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… cord after certain spinal procedures. Bleeding in this area can cause paralysis that lasts a long time or could become … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
… Clonazepam has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and death. Taking this medication with alcohol or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems (especially opioid … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
… the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV … this drug than prescribed or stop taking it (or other HIV medicines) even for a short time unless directed to do so by your doctor. Doing so may cause the amount of virus to increase, make the infection …
HealthLinkBC files
… least 6 to 8 weeks before you travel. This is important because some vaccines may take several weeks to become fully … food or drinking water. One dose of hepatitis A vaccine can provide good short-term protection. A second dose of … contaminated food or drinking water. Cholera infection can be life-threatening if severe and not treated. This …
… needs. Uses Everolimus is used to treat various types of cancer (such as kidney, breast, pancreas, lung, … side effects. However, you have been prescribed this drug because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
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… Prostate Cancer: Should I Have Radiation or Surgery for Localized … and erection problems. Radiation therapy is more likely to cause bowel problems. Surgery is more likely to cause … Bleeding. Infection. Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Death (rare). Prostatectomy also may cause
… belongs to a class of drugs known as phenothiazines. It can help you to think clearly and take part in everyday … Remember that this medication has been prescribed because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. A product that may …
… benefits to people with irregular heartbeat, it may rarely cause a serious new irregular heartbeat. When starting … by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Many drugs besides …
Health topics
… casts are still sometimes used. After a cast is on, you can't remove it yourself. Your doctor will take it off. … a few days after your surgery or injury. This is usually because of swelling. Swelling can slow healing and cause pain. … . These can help reduce swelling and pain. Be safe with medicines. Be sure to follow all instructions on the label. …
Health topics
… is conscious, medicine is given to control pain and to cause the person to relax to the point of being nearly … This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the return of heart rhythm … But how long a person's heart stays in this normal rhythm can depend on the type of heart rhythm problem, how long it …