6315 results found
Health topics
… farther from your face helps you see the words. What causes it? Presbyopia is a natural part of aging. As you … is worse in dim light or when you are fatigued. Presbyopia can also cause headaches or eyestrain. How is it diagnosed? Presbyopia can often be diagnosed with a general eye examination. Your …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Some other conditions can cause symptoms that look like depression. Before your child … happen on its own. But it can also be triggered by certain medicines, such as antidepressants. It is important to tell …
… cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. Linezolid also … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
… and prevent symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. It contains 2 medications: fluticasone and … the muscles around the airways so that they open up and you can breathe more easily. Controlling symptoms of breathing … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. A product that may …
Health topics
… that attacks the liver. There are different viruses that cause hepatitis and how it is transmitted vary between types … it may lead to long-term liver problems. Hepatitis A People can get hepatitis A through exposure to food or water that … Yourself From Hepatitis A When Travelling Hepatitis B You can get hepatitis B through contact with the blood or body …
… increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke. This effect can happen at any time while using this drug but is more … heart bypass surgery (CABG). Also, this drug may rarely cause serious (rarely fatal) bleeding from the stomach or … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
Health topics
… completely remove the fallopian tubes. After this, an egg can't move down your tubes and can't be fertilized. This means you can't get pregnant. This … But you could feel more relaxed about having sex. This is because you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. What …
Health topics
… they have lost control of their emotions. These feelings can come from one or both of two causes. A stroke can affect parts of the brain that control how you feel. You …
… specific health needs. Warning Avalglucosidase alfa may cause certain serious side effects, including allergic and … do not have serious side effects. Avalglucosidase alfa can commonly cause a rash that is usually not serious. … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If …
… lack of thiamine (deficiency) when the form taken by mouth cannot be used or would not work as well as the injection. … poor nutrition, pregnancy, stomach/intestinal diseases) can cause a deficiency in thiamine. Serious thiamine deficiency … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. This medication …