6320 results found
Health topics
… be seizure-free for at least 6 months to 1 year before you can get a driver's licence. The laws of the province you … you know how the drug will affect you. The laws about who can drive may seem unfair. But they can keep you and others safe until your seizures are under …
Health topics
… and Flossing Your Teeth Actionset Overview Your teeth can last a lifetime if you practice basic dental care. Brush … small circular movements. Don't scrub. Vigorous brushing can make the gums pull away from the teeth and can scratch your tooth enamel. Brush all surfaces of the …
Health topics
… It is generally best to set small, measurable goals. You can set them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. When … enjoy. Make a list of the foods you like and see how you can change them to make them healthier. For example, make … on what you want to achieve. Also, reading your goals can serve as a helpful reminder. Not setting goals that …
Health topics
… a certain order. When your body is physically relaxed, you cannot feel anxious. Practicing progressive muscle … do you do progressive muscle relaxation? The procedure You can use an audio recording to help you focus on each muscle group, or you can learn the order of muscle groups and do the exercises …
Health topics
… aging process. It is also a time of physical changes. You can expect some emotional responses to these changes, both … about hot flashes and sweating. Weight gain. You can take care of yourself in the following ways: Manage … stress. If you need to, find a support group where you can discuss common issues that come up before and after …
Health topics
… blood contains stem cells, which are immature cells that can grow into red or white blood cells or clotting cells. Stem cells can be used to treat a limited number of conditions, such as … thrown away after birth. But the blood inside the cord can be saved, or banked, for possible later use. The blood …
Medical tests
… and life insurance companies may require a test before you can get insurance. This is because people who smoke tend to have higher health costs over time. One type of test can help tell the difference between a person who uses …
Medical tests
… whether you have an active hepatitis B infection. The tests can also show if you had the infection in the past. The … which is the virus's genetic material. Hepatitis antibodies can take weeks or months to develop. So an infected person … than 6 months, this means you have a chronic infection. You can spread the infection to others. Hepatitis B surface …
Health topics
… difficult for people after a stroke. Your stroke rehab team can suggest things that can help you. But here are some tips to make getting dressed … whether to avoid clothing that goes over your head. It can be hard to remove. Stroke Stroke …
Health topics
… life. Ask for help when you need it. If you're confused or can't seem to get things done, reach out to people who can help and guide you. Gather as much information as you can about what is happening. But don't try to take in more …