6321 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) means that you can live a long life with HIV. Without treatment, HIV … by HIV. Having HIV does not mean that you have AIDS. How can I get HIV? HIV is found in body fluids, such as blood, … breast milk, and fluids from the vagina and anus. HIV can be passed on by: having vaginal or anal sex without …
Health topics
… some symptoms of dyspepsia within their lifetimes. What causes it? Common causes of dyspepsia include: Burped-up … or depression. Side effects of caffeine, alcohol, or medicines. Examples of medicines that may cause dyspepsia … steroids, digoxin, and theophylline. Swallowed air. Stomach cancer. How can you care for yourself when you have …
Health topics
… it affects the tendons that attach to the elbow. What causes it? Golfer's elbow is an overuse injury. These kinds … and tingling in the arm and fingers. These symptoms can happen slowly or quickly. The pain may get worse when … usually starts with rest, using ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a physiotherapy and exercise program …
Health topics
… painful. The most common mouth sores are cold sores and canker sores . In severe cases of canker sores, a doctor may … a medicine to ease inflammation and pain. Other possible causes of mouth sores include: Impetigo . Symptoms may … to 48 hours of the fever. The illness lasts 7 to 10 days. Medicines . Chemotherapy, sulfa drugs, phenytoin (such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… other sources of contamination and disease. Flood waters can become heavily contaminated and can make people sick. When is it safe to return home? Do not … be removed with a cloth. Discard heavily rusted cans because pinholes can allow dangerous bacteria to enter Cans …
Health topics
… or blocked, the heart does not get enough oxygen. This can cause unstable angina or a heart attack. Unstable angina … start in the ambulance. You may be given aspirin and other medicines. In the hospital, the doctor will work right away …
HealthLinkBC files
… clean place. Do not touch the inside of any equipment that can be in contact with the formula If you use a home … to between room and body temperature Wash the top of the can with hot water and soap Shake the can well and open with … formula machines are not recommended for powdered formula because they may not keep water at a safe temperature. Store …
Health topics
… What is ulnar tunnel syndrome? Ulnar tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve at the wrist. This … tissues close to the ulnar nerve. Swelling from a ganglion can also affect the ulnar nerve. Bicycle riders may develop … ice. Wearing a splint at night. Taking anti-inflammatory medicines. Finger, Hand, and Wrist …
Health topics
… (say "jee-ar-DYE-uh-sus") is an infection of the intestines caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia . The illness is also called giardia (say "jee-AR-dee-uh"). It can happen if you drink water that has been contaminated. … that is tainted with infected human or animal waste. In Canada and the United States, you can get giardia by …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview A hip problem can be hard to deal with, both for the child who has the … or other upper respiratory infection. It's the most common cause of hip pain in children. A slipped capital femoral … harness, or traction. It may also include physiotherapy and medicines. In some cases, surgery is needed. Treatment for a …