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Health topics
… Overview Atypical neuropathies are types of nerve damage caused by diabetes. One type affects just one nerve. This is … kind of atypical neuropathy you have. Mononeuropathy can cause: Pain in a single, limited area of the body. This may … the cranial nerves is affected. Polyradiculoneuropathy can cause: Pain that occurs in a band-shaped area around the …
Health topics
… Overview Rheumatic fever is a bacterial infection that can cause problems with the heart's aortic and mitral valves. Rheumatic fever is caused by certain strains of streptococcal bacteria. A strep … fever develop rheumatic heart disease. This infection causes swelling and muscle damage to the heart. It can also …
Health topics
… uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not cancer and do not cause problems. Many don't even need treatment. A thyroid nodule may cause problems, such as making too much thyroid hormone. … have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can cause an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). One or …
Medical tests
… glands. Check for a tumour in the adrenal glands. Find the cause of high blood pressure or low blood potassium levels. … natural black licorice for 2 weeks before this test. Many medicines may change the results of this test. Be sure to … your doctor about all the non-prescription and prescription medicines you take. You may be asked to stop taking some …
Medical tests
… is generally found in amounts equal to insulin . This is because insulin and C-peptide are linked when first made by … eating and drinking before this test. Insulin and some oral medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes can change the test results. Your doctor may ask you to stop these medicines before your blood test. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… of the eyes may look yellow (jaundice). Jaundice may be caused by liver disease ( hepatitis ), blood disorders ( … disease, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis , or the effects of medicines that can damage the liver. Find out if something … during a transfusion (called a transfusion reaction). Medicines that may increase bilirubin levels. This includes …
Health topics
… "pih-tih-RY-uh-sus AL-buh") is a common skin problem that causes round or oval patches of skin that look lighter than … may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. What causes it? The cause of this skin problem is not known. But it may be …
Health topics
… especially when you are trying to figure out what the cause is. If you do not identify a cause, such as an injury, for your child's crying, try … rough, such as throwing him or her into the air, can cause an injury to the brain. Shaken baby syndrome needs to …
Health topics
… ingrown toenail. This is more common in older adults. What causes it? An ingrown toenail can have a number of different … as Aleve), might help your toe feel better. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. … as Aleve), might help your toe feel better. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. …
Health topics
… They also help the body control blood pressure. What causes it? The most common cause of renal artery stenosis is … such as the renal arteries. How is it treated? You may take medicines to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk … will help slow or prevent it from getting worse. Taking medicines and having a heart-healthy lifestyle can also help …