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6050 results found
Medical tests
… and get rid of invading bacteria and viruses that can cause disease. But the RF antibody can attach to normal body tissue and cause damage. A high level of RF can be caused by several autoimmune diseases (including rheumatoid …
Medical tests
… of the salivary glands . This can help your doctor find the cause of dry mouth ( xerostomia ) or swelling in the … Why It Is Done A salivary gland scan is done to: Find the cause of swelling in the major salivary glands. Swelling may be caused by an infection ( abscess ), inflammation , or a …
Health topics
… What can trigger a relapse? Triggers are things that might cause you to have a relapse from alcohol or illegal or … a craving. Even being in the same kind of area could cause cravings. Certain things. You may link objects to … A rainy day, a song, or a television program could also cause a craving. Stress. Stress is a major trigger. Any …
Medical tests
… makes ALT levels go up. Most increases in ALT levels are caused by liver damage. The ALT test is often done along … disease. Keep track of the effects of cholesterol-lowering medicines and other medicines that can damage the liver. How To Prepare Avoid …
Health topics
… pain syndrome (interstitial cystitis) is a problem that causes pain in the bladder or pelvis. It also causes an … who is specially trained in pelvic floor therapy. Medicines for pain and other symptoms. Oral medicines (such as pills) include amitriptyline, pentosan …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Blood and urine are often tested to find the cause of health problems. But other body fluids also can be … around them—move smoothly. Sometimes a health problem can cause too much fluid to build up in part of the body. The … red blood cells, protein, and glucose. Results can show the cause of fluid buildup. Possible causes include an …
Health topics
… occur more often in toenails than fingernails and are caused by tight shoes. You may need to have the nail … nails or separation of the nail from the nail bed, can be caused by a skin disease, such as psoriasis or eczema . Ridging may occur normally with aging but is also caused by injury, infection, or illness. Thickened nails can …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Puncture wounds caused by the injection of a substance under high pressure … injected substance. Paint, paint solvent, and paint thinner cause the highest risk of early tissue damage and serious complications. The risk of amputation because of complications from these injected substances is …
Health topics
… when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. What causes it? Doctors can't always say what causes high blood … pressure and being overweight. It also can be caused by medicines or by other health problems, such as heart or … pressure and being overweight. It also can be caused by medicines or by other health problems, such as heart or …
Health topics
… menopause. Lack of estrogen may allow bacteria that can cause UTIs to grow more easily in the vagina or urethra and … activity, poor hygiene, or problems releasing urine. Use of medicines that can cause trouble urinating or a complete … activity, poor hygiene, or problems releasing urine. Use of medicines that can cause trouble urinating or a complete …