6050 results found
Health topics
… or if you have side effects that are not as serious. What causes it? Any medicine can cause an allergic reaction. A … are: Penicillins (such as ampicillin or amoxicillin). Sulfa medicines. Anesthesia. Aspirin and other non-steroidal … there is a chance that you may also be allergic to similar medicines, such as amoxicillin. What are the symptoms? The …
Health topics
… This results in a complete inability to urinate. It can cause kidney damage, which may be reversed if the problem is … from the bladder (chronic urinary retention, or CUR). This causes urine to remain in the bladder after urination … (UTI) . But repeated urinary tract infections can also be caused by long-term inflammation or infection in the …
Health topics
… Overview Abnormal vaginal bleeding with fever may be caused by an infection in the pelvic organs . During your … up the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes and cause an infection. This is more common during menstruation … between periods. Fever. Pelvic infections are usually caused by bacteria. It is important to treat pelvic …
Health topics
… polyps are growths in your large intestine (colon). The cause of most colon polyps is not known, but they are common … polyps or colorectal cancer. Inherit a certain gene that causes you to develop polyps. People with this gene are much … colon polyps? You can have colon polyps and not know it, because they usually don't cause symptoms. They are most often …
Health topics
… with anyone who might have fifth disease . A virus that causes fifth disease can suddenly stop the body from … plenty of fluids when you exercise. Strenuous exercise can cause dehydration and reduced oxygen levels in your blood. This may cause red blood cells to sickle. Children can exercise and …
Health topics
… also called Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's disease. What causes it? Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is … atherosclerosis . It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, … that affect the flow of blood, such as smoking and some medicines. What are the symptoms? During an attack of …
Health topics
… Overview A sports hernia is an injury of the inguinal area caused by repetitive twisting and turning at high speed. … the condition results from overuse of groin muscles, which causes stress on the inguinal wall. A sports hernia can be … to perform manoeuvres, such as sit-ups, to see whether they cause pain. Resting the groin muscles for several weeks …
Health topics
… a problem when it happens often, lasts a long time, or causes symptoms. SVT is also called atrial tachycardia, … can be caused by certain health problems, heart and lung medicines, or surgery. What are the symptoms? When your … your doctor will probably recommend treatment, such as with medicines or procedures, to control your heart rhythm. Your …
Health topics
… blood does not clot properly. This usually happens because your body does not have enough of a certain kind of … prevent or treat bleeding episodes. You may need to take medicines that help prevent bleeding. You might take medicines at certain times, such as before you have surgery …
Medical tests
… anemia . Mild folate deficiency often does not cause any symptoms. Severe folate deficiency may cause a … water) for 8 to 10 hours before the test. If you take any medicines regularly, your doctor will talk to you about how … water) for 8 to 10 hours before the test. If you take any medicines regularly, your doctor will talk to you about how …