6050 results found
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… can be very painful, they are not serious. They will not cause any long-lasting problems. Growing pains can start as … or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for pain. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do not give a child two or more pain medicines at the same time unless the doctor told you to. …
Health topics
… Information Overview Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) with no cause is defined as at least 3 separate episodes of … Symptoms may include: Sharp or dull pain. Severe pain that causes the child to look pale, become sweaty, or cry and … meals but usually without losing weight. A physical cause is found in less than 10% of children diagnosed with …
Health topics
… recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck … teeth removed (extracted) before you're 20 years old, because it's easier to take them out when the roots and bones … you keep your wisdom teeth, because it's hard to brush and floss that part of your mouth well. But if you visit your …
Health topics
… even though they are very painful, cluster headaches don't cause long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to … time to find what works best for you. Over-the-counter pain medicines, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, … are found in wine, cured meats, aged cheeses, and some medicines. Histamine. Seasonal allergies could trigger a …
Health topics
… both) inside a joint loses blood supply and dies. It may be caused by injury or by overuse from an activity that … are the symptoms? Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) may not cause any symptoms, or symptoms may begin suddenly, develop … Locking of the joint. Symptoms that begin suddenly may be caused by a piece of bone or cartilage that has broken loose …
Health topics
… cell disease suddenly stops producing red blood cells. This causes sudden and severe anemia . The crisis is usually caused by an infection with parvovirus. This is the virus that causes fifth disease in children. Blood transfusions might …
Health topics
… in 2012 and has since spread to other countries. It's caused by a type of coronavirus that can cause a moderate to … will focus on relieving symptoms, and it may include medicines and treatments to make it easier to breathe. MERS … will focus on relieving symptoms, and it may include medicines and treatments to make it easier to breathe. MERS …
Health topics
… blood vessels. It can relieve angina quickly. That's because it can widen the coronary arteries, which bring blood … take daily long-acting medicine to prevent angina. These medicines include nitrates (including nitroglycerin), … beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers. These types of medicines can prevent angina that occurs during daily …
Health topics
… the facts Your options Have tests to try to find out the cause of infertility. Don't have tests. To make family … the test may be repeated, or you will be treated with medicines and hormones. These tests may include: Basal body … the test may be repeated, or you will be treated with medicines and hormones. These tests may include: Basal body …
Health topics
… or unusual discharge. Abnormal vaginal bleeding may be caused by physical or sexual abuse that injures the abdominal or vaginal area. Vaginal bleeding that is caused by abuse often is the result of minor physical … especially if there were no witnesses to the injury that caused the child's vaginal bleeding. If you think your child …