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Health topics
… flap, long-standing, and degenerative tears—those caused by years of wear and tear—generally can't be … repair of meniscus tears depends on the size, location, and cause of the tear. Tears that are located near the outer … as well. Small tears heal better than large ones. Tears caused by sudden trauma heal better than tears caused by …
Health topics
… of the bile ducts (cholangitis). Risks Milk thistle may cause nausea, diarrhea, bloating, pain, or allergies. The … products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, … or interact with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be …
Health topics
… also bends inward, and the joint swells or enlarges. What causes a bunion? You may get bunions if: The way your foot … off the toe. Applying ice and taking some over-the-counter medicines can also help. Surgery is an option only if home … off the toe. Applying ice and taking some over-the-counter medicines can also help. Surgery is an option only if home …
Health topics
… to a more serious tear that may need a doctor's care. What causes it? A calf injury is most often caused during sports … of your heart. This will help reduce swelling. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. If … of your heart. This will help reduce swelling. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. If …
Health topics
… good vision. Amblyopia is sometimes called "lazy eye." What causes it? Any condition that prevents your child's eyes … or that prevents the normal use of one or both eyes can cause amblyopia. It may happen when: The eyes do not focus … the clear "window" at the front of the eye (the cornea) may cause amblyopia. Someone else in your family had it or if …
Health topics
… of mucus. More shortness of breath than usual. What causes them? The two most common causes of a COPD flare-up, … using a quick-relief (short-acting) inhaler or oral steroid medicines. More severe flare-ups may involve visits to your … include: Quick-relief inhaled bronchodilators . These medicines relax the bronchial tubes and make it easier to …
Health topics
… with these or other conditions. Risks St. John's wort may cause side effects, such as stomach upset, dizziness, … with sun exposure. St. John's wort may interact with many medicines, such as antidepressants, birth control pills, blood thinners, cancer medicines, and heart medicines. Check with your doctor or …
Health topics
… cord. The inflammation may be ongoing (chronic). This can cause scar tissue near the spinal cord. It can cause nerve roots to stick together and not work as they … pain in the back and legs. The condition is rare. It can be caused by: Trauma. This includes spinal surgery and …
Health topics
… nail bed. If you're healthy, the infection probably won't cause serious problems. What causes it? Fungal nail infections can be caused by yeasts, moulds, and other kinds of fungus. Fungi …
Health topics
… Actionset Overview Sjögren's syndrome (say "SHOH-grins") causes your body's defence, or immune, system to attack the … your eyes moist. Saliva substitutes, water, or prescription medicines can help keep your mouth and throat moist. How can … fluoride toothpaste two times a day and after meals, and floss your teeth every day. Visit the dentist two times a …