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Health topics
… fragments usually pass in the urine for a few days and cause mild pain. If you have a larger stone, you may need … ureter . Risks Risks of shock wave treatment include: Pain caused by the passage of stone fragments. Blocked urine flow because of stone fragments getting stuck in the urinary tract. …
Health topics
… people have symptoms when they exercise. Dry, cold air. Medicines, such as aspirin or beta-blockers. Hormones, … flow (PEF), or "peak flow." A trigger may not always cause symptoms. But it can still narrow your bronchial … people have symptoms when they exercise. Dry, cold air. Medicines, such as aspirin or beta-blockers. Hormones, …
Health topics
… It may also correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and breathing problems. Cosmetic … nose can change the results of the surgery. And it could cause complications. How Well It Works If your expectations … to reduce the risk of infection. Serious nasal blockage caused by swelling inside the nose. Complications of …
Medical tests
… ). A scan may be done in an emergency to find out the cause of sudden, painful swelling of a testicle. That problem can be caused by a twisted cord in the testicle. This condition is … Why It Is Done A testicular scan is done to find out the cause of a painful, swollen testicle. The scan is also used …
Medical tests
… for liver disease, such as hepatitis. Liver disease may cause symptoms. These may include pain in the upper belly, … disease. Keep track of the effects of cholesterol-lowering medicines and other medicines that can damage the liver. How To Prepare In …
Health topics
… or upper belly or in one or both shoulders or arms. What causes it? Angina happens when the heart muscle doesn't get … of angina. Most people take this medicine every day. These medicines include nitrates (including nitroglycerin), … of angina. Most people take this medicine every day. These medicines include nitrates (including nitroglycerin), …
Health topics
… Overview The oil (urushiol) that causes the rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac can be spread … ivy, oak, or sumac attaches to smoke particles and can cause a rash on any part of the body. Clothing and any other … we develop our content . … Overview The oil (urushiol) that causes the rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac can be spread …
Health topics
… (localized) reaction, a larger local reaction, or one that caused swelling and redness to much of your body but did not … if you have an autoimmune disease or take certain kinds of medicines (such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors). Allergy … if you have an autoimmune disease or take certain kinds of medicines (such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors). Allergy …
Health topics
… is shigellosis? Shigellosis is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Shigella bacterium. It is more … by diarrhea is the most common complication. Do not use medicines to prevent diarrhea. To prevent dehydration, take … by diarrhea is the most common complication. Do not use medicines to prevent diarrhea. To prevent dehydration, take …
Health topics
… have several options for treating a bowel obstruction caused by twisting of the intestine (volvulus). The choice … on the location of the obstruction. If the obstruction is caused by a twisting of the sigmoid area of the large … have several options for treating a bowel obstruction caused by twisting of the intestine (volvulus). The choice …