6050 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… has teeth, they are at risk for tooth decay. Many things cause tooth decay, including the bacteria that is normally … decay can spread deeper into the tooth. The decay can cause pain and infection, and can even damage the underlying … can I comfort my baby when they are teething? Teething may cause some discomfort, making your baby fussy. Your baby may …
HealthLinkBC files
… at home, school and work. Poor indoor air quality may cause headaches, tiredness, coughing, sneezing, sinus … asthma symptoms could get worse. Poor indoor air quality is caused by indoor air pollution, especially when ventilation is limited. Knowing possible causes will help you improve the quality of the air you …
Health topics
… can help your doctor see if a change in treatment—such as medicines, angioplasty , or coronary artery bypass surgery … can't show if narrowed places in your arteries will cause a heart attack. Other tests may give you and your … worse and can prevent a heart attack. Treatments include medicines, a heart-healthy lifestyle, angioplasty , and …
Medical tests
… infection. They look for antibodies to the bacteria that cause syphilis . Some tests look for the syphilis bacteria. … to all parts of the body. If not treated, syphilis can cause severe heart disease, brain damage, spinal cord … syphilis during pregnancy. Syphilis during pregnancy can cause very serious problems. Confirm that a person has …
HealthLinkBC files
… What is swimmer's itch? Swimmer's itch is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to small worm-like parasites … reaction to these tiny parasitic larvae under the skin that causes swimmer’s itch. Swimmer’s itch cannot be spread from … and splash in shallow water bodies may be at higher risk because: They are constantly getting wet without thoroughly …
Health features
… (lose consciousness) to have a concussion. On this page: Causes of concussions Prevention Recovery For your information Causes of concussions Activities that can cause a concussion include: Falls Collisions with other …
Health topics
… to a hepatitis virus or are taking a medicine that may cause liver damage. To learn more, see: Total Protein . … to a hepatitis virus or are taking a medicine that may cause liver damage. To learn more, see: Total Protein . …
Health topics
… exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin cancer. You can reduce your risk for skin cancer … Be careful when you are on sand, snow, or water, because these surfaces can reflect 85% of the sun's rays. … sunlamps and tanning booths. Like the sun, they can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. A …
Health topics
… Leg swelling. Failed or blocked grafts. Sexual dysfunction caused by nerve damage in the pelvis. Citations … Leg swelling. Failed or blocked grafts. Sexual dysfunction caused by nerve damage in the pelvis. Citations …
Health topics
… farther from your face helps you see the words. What causes it? Presbyopia is a natural part of aging. As you … it happens quickly. What happens Near vision gets worse because of presbyopia starting around age 40. It gradually … in dim light or when you are fatigued. Presbyopia can also cause headaches or eyestrain. How is it diagnosed? …