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6147 results found
Healthy eating
… with broth or canned mushrooms instead of using fat. To increase the fibre content, use brown rice, wild rice, or 100% whole wheat bread. Bake in a casserole dish so that the stuffing … During roasting, use a baster to siphon drippings into a heat-proof glass container sitting in a larger pot of cold …
Health topics
… for low back pain. Don't try epidural steroid shots. Try medicines, physiotherapy, and home treatment instead. Key … spinal canal. This is called an epidural injection. Steroid medicines reduce inflammation and swelling. This can relieve … N. Katz MD, MPH - Rheumatology Primary Medical Reviewer Heather Quinn MD - Family Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer …
Health topics
… According to the  Public Health Agency of Canada , mental illnesses are characterized by changes in thinking, mood or … with significant distress and impaired functioning. Mental illness can take many forms, including mood disorders, … health conditions and concerns Depression Depression is an illness that causes you to feel sad, lose interest in …
HealthLinkBC files
… HTLV-1 will eventually get sick with an HTLV-1-associated illness sometime in their lifetime. Illness does not usually occur until several decades after … only about 5 percent of those who are infected develop any illness as a result of their infection. For those who do …
Health topics
… people who may be at greater risk of experiencing severe illness, including pregnant people, people with a weakened … on multiple parts of your body Mpox is usually a mild illness, and most people recover on their own after a few … is given after being exposed to the virus. This prevents illness or severe outcomes. This is called Post-Exposure …
HealthLinkBC files
… but are more common in the winter months. Outbreaks of illness are common in nursing homes, daycare centres, … symptoms include nausea, cramping, chills and fever. The illness usually begins suddenly and lasts for 1 to 3 days. … is more likely to occur with babies and the elderly. Severe illness is very rare and hospital care is usually not …
HealthLinkBC files
… anyone at any age. Infections generally result in mild illnesses. The most common GAS infection is strep throat. … infections of the blood, muscles or lungs, and cause severe illness and tissue damage. These infections are called …
Health topics
… dialysis, you may want to talk with your doctor about your chances of getting a kidney transplant. Key points to … life, including the day or time. You may have other changes related to kidney failure. Talk with your doctor about what … reactions. Bleeding problems caused by the blood-thinning medicines. Infection or clotting of the dialysis access. …
Health topics
… Saunders Elsevier. Waljee A, et al. (2006). Threefold increased risk of infertility: A meta-analysis of … Saunders Elsevier. Waljee A, et al. (2006). Threefold increased risk of infertility: A meta-analysis of … Saunders Elsevier. Waljee A, et al. (2006). Threefold increased risk of infertility: A meta-analysis of …
… to decrease the pain from the headache. Caffeine helps increase the effects of aspirin. Butalbital is a sedative … aspirin if they have chickenpox, flu, or any undiagnosed illness, or if they have just been given a live virus … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …