2303 results found
Healthy eating
… and taking any medication prescribed by your doctor. A dietitian can help you plan a diet that is suitable for all your health conditions. If your kidneys continue to lose function, your doctor or a dietitian may advise you to make other changes to your diet. …
Healthy eating
… when it is safe and appropriate to add the food to the diet. How can you tell if a child is outgrowing their food … tests to help diagnose food allergy? Food elimination diets remove a group of foods from the diet on a trial basis to see if this stops the signs and …
Health topics
… are more likely to smoke than children of non-smokers. Dietary habits may also play a role. Families who eat fatty diets are more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those who eat more balanced diets. Changing these behaviours may greatly reduce your …
Health topics
… along with you when you go to your doctor to discuss diet habits. It will be easier to make changes in your diet if your family understands what you need to do and why. … along with you when you go to your doctor to discuss diet habits. It will be easier to make changes in your diet …
Health topics
… Choosing a Weight-Loss Program Dawn's Story: From Dieting to Healthy Eating Habits Developing a Plan for … Should I Take Weight-Loss Medicine? Obesity: Should I Use a Diet Plan to Lose Weight? Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? Open/close information section Take Action COPD: …
… health needs. Uses Bezafibrate is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, … strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication …
… health needs. Uses Pravastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, … strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication …
… health needs. Uses Gemfibrozil is used along with a proper diet to help lower fats (triglycerides) and raise "good" … and benefits of gemfibrozil. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication …
Health topics
… be an option if you haven't been able to lose weight with diet and exercise and if: You are an adult with a BMI (body … You have tried for at least 6 months to lose weight with diet and exercise. You do not misuse alcohol. You do not … for complications, especially type 2 diabetes. I've tried diet and medicines, but I have not had any luck. My doctor …
Health topics
… provide calcium for people who don't include dairy in their diets. footnote 1 Non-milk calcium sources Food Serving size … Intolerance Nutrition During Pregnancy Pregnancy Vegetarian Diets Citations Health Canada (2008). Nutrient … provide calcium for people who don't include dairy in their diets. footnote 1 Non-milk calcium sources Food Serving size …