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Health topics
… texture, or thickness of the fingernails or toenails. Because hair is an important part of how you look, hair loss can … take 2 months or more for new hair to grow. Contact immunotherapy triggers an allergic reaction on the scalp that may … problems. You can't spread it to other people, and it shouldn't interfere with school, work, or recreation. But if …
Health topics
… such as sore muscles, are common. Symptoms often are caused by everyday wear and tear or overuse. Arm problems may … no obvious injury occurred. For example, you may have shoulder pain from throwing a ball or raking leaves. Overuse … lupus . Swelling of the hands and arms. It can be caused by hormone changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy …
Health topics
… and treat your child. Find out what treatment methods they use. Do they use treatment methods that are supported by science such as cognitive or behavioural therapy? You can also ask about their thoughts on …
Health topics
… and MRI scans. Treatment, such as some surgeries and chemotherapy. Rehabilitation, such as drug or alcohol rehab and … services? Outpatient services usually cost less because you don't need to stay overnight. Staff members at … service is available. But not all medical procedures can or should be done at an outpatient centre. How can you know if …
Health topics
… Virus (RSV) Infection On this page: Condition Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To … ribavirin while they are in the hospital. Pregnant women should avoid contact with a child who is receiving … adults—who have health problems and other risk factors should see a doctor at the first sign of RSV. How to help …
Health topics
… Gestational diabetes can happen during pregnancy as hormone levels in your body change. Healthy eating and …
Health topics
… Information Overview Breastfeeding can be used as a method of birth control . This is called the … you are much more likely to become pregnant. You'll need to use another method of birth control to prevent pregnancy. … means that the baby receives only breast milk. You can't use formula or other supplements. And you have to breastfeed …
Health topics
… body to help you cope with illness, pain, and stress. Music therapy can relax your body, improve your mood, and change … immune system. Ways to relax your body Massage , such as a shoulder and neck massage , uses touch to relieve tension. You can see a massage …
Health topics
… How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Vacuum aspiration uses gentle suction to empty the uterus after a miscarriage. … electric vacuum aspiration. With manual vacuum, the doctor uses a specially designed syringe to apply suction. With … Irregular bleeding or spotting for the first 2 weeks. Use sanitary pads until you stop bleeding. Using pads makes …
Health topics
… Causes of Hair Loss: Medicines and Medical Treatments On this … Information Overview Medicines and medical treatments can cause hair loss . Medicines Many medicines that can cause hair loss include: Medicines used to treat cancer ( chemotherapy ). Birth control pills. Women who lose hair while …