6276 results found
Health topics
… a powerful stimulant. It's like amphetamine, which doctors use to treat sleep problems (narcolepsy), attention deficit … obtained from smoking or injecting the drug. People who use this drug have a tendency to use it repeatedly (binge) and then crash afterward. In small …
Health topics
… Eyesight Actionset Overview You don't see as well as you used to. Eye problems such as age-related macular … changes to lighting, using contrast in objects that you use often and in structures such as door frames and light … and training can help you with managing your household, cooking, shopping, personal grooming, and other …
Health topics
… that helps you have a bowel movement. Laxatives are used to relieve and prevent constipation, which occurs when … bigger, which gives you the urge to pass the stool. Regular use of bulking agents is safe and often lets you have more … making it easier to pass. Stool softeners do not often cause problems but they don't work as well if you don't drink …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Signs of use It's hard to detect LSD use. Things that point to LSD use may include: Dilated pupils, sweating, loss of appetite, …
Health topics
… of peacefulness, acceptance, and empathy. People who use the drug claim they experience feelings of closeness … other people and want to touch or hug others. Ecstasy causes muscle tension and jaw-clenching, which has led to the use of baby pacifiers to reduce this discomfort. It also …
Health topics
… Overview Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that is used legally as a local anesthetic for some eye, ear, and … chips, chunks, or rocks. The name crack came about because of the crackling sound that it makes when it is smoked. … are taken, the high is more intense. But large doses can cause strange or violent behaviour in which the person may …
Health topics
… also fairly cheap and easy to make. That's why it's often used as a filler in fake prescription pills or street drugs. If you use street drugs or fake pills, you may take fentanyl … help prevent an overdose? If you or someone you're close to uses opioids or street drugs, these ideas may help protect …
Health topics
… may help shrink swollen tissues in the nose, sinuses, throat, and the space behind the eardrum (middle ear). … can be taken by mouth as a pill or liquid (oral) or used as nose drops, sprays, or gels. The oral kind provides longer relief but may cause more side effects than the ones that are used in the …
Health topics
… Intermittent catheterization programs (ICPs) are often used when you have the ability to use a catheter yourself or someone can do it for you. You … fluid you can consume each day and what times are best to use the catheter. How to use the catheter Following is a …
Health topics
… B (UVA and UVB) rays. These ultraviolet rays are the main causes of damage to the skin from the sun. UVA and UVB rays … into skin layers Is 20 times more abundant than UVB rays Causes long-term skin damage UVB Cannot pass through window glass Causes sunburn Causes tanning Helps the body make vitamin D Is …