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Health topics
… at home by using the following strategies. Be a role model. Use these suggestions to model the behaviour you want your … you will see them often. It will help your child if you use colourful pictures, such as a picture of a toothbrush, … Encourage everyone to refer to the calendar often. Use eye-catching stickers as visual reminders. Have family …
Health topics
… that are meant only for adults. These medicines could cause serious health problems if given to a child. Be sure to … And find out what foods, drinks, or natural health products shouldn't be mixed with your child's medicine. Talk to your … And find out what foods, drinks, or natural health products shouldn't be mixed with your child's medicine. Talk to your …
Health topics
… be flexible. There are a variety of terms that people may use to describe their gender identity. For example, people … expands beyond the categories of male or female may use the term "gender-diverse." For some people, their gender … help planning how to come out to people if they need it. Use the language your teen uses to describe their sexual …
Health topics
… your doctor. Ask your doctor. It can be hard to learn to use an otoscope. If you buy one, be sure to read and follow the instructions that come with it. Never use a home otoscope to diagnose or treat ear problems. If … for doing a home ear examination Always read and follow the use and cleaning instructions that came with your otoscope. …
Health topics
… he can point when asked, "Where's your belly button?" Uses a vocabulary of five or more words to make short expressions such as “all gone.” Uses "no" correctly, often with a shake of her head. Forms … Begin to understand basic sentences Name pictures in a book Use one word to name things he sees or wants. For example, …
Health topics
… (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like … stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems. What are some examples of ACEs? Here are some …
Health topics
… working with your doctor. How to take charge of your asthma Use an asthma action plan Using an asthma action plan can … This is a good way to know how well your lungs are working. Use an asthma diary to track your peak flow readings, your … short of breath. You can't do your usual activities. You use your chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, above, …
Health topics
… risks to the pregnancy. Most asthma treatments are safe to use when you're pregnant. Talk to your doctor about the … blood pressure during the pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia . This causes high blood pressure. It can affect the placenta , … plan to help you manage asthma during your pregnancy. Use this plan to help control inflammation and prevent and …
Health topics
… others need to know how they can help you. How to use an action plan Fill out this action plan with your … such as on your fridge or in another handy place. If you use a metered-dose inhaler, keep these instructions handy so someone else will know how it's used if you need help. Know when to call your doctor or get …
Health topics
… or silicone. Some are disposable. Others can be washed and used again. Depending on the type or brand, a non-disposable silicone menstrual cup can be used for up to 5 years. How do you use a menstrual cup? Depending on the brand, menstrual cups …