6276 results found
Health topics
… patch)? What amount do I take each time (dose)? How often should it be taken (for example, 3 times a day)? When? Should I take it with or without food? What should I avoid … are the common side effects (those that do not usually cause problems)? What side effects should I report if I …
Health topics
… Injury (Tendinopathy) On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment … damaged these fibres. The areas most often affected are the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. What causes … pain medicines. Your doctor may also suggest physiotherapy. For a severe or long-lasting injury, your doctor …
HealthLinkBC files
… the eyeball and the inside of the eyelid. It is usually caused by a virus or bacteria, and can spread easily to other … tell you if your child can return to school or daycare, or should stay home. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics they should stay home for at least 24 hours after starting their …
Health topics
… can sit down. You can also get help from other people. Housekeeping services will clean your house and other services … your blood pressure and make your heart work harder. You should avoid activities that involve sudden physical … does when you are resting. Any exercise program you begin should advance gradually. You should discuss the details of …
Health topics
… Overview Many people don't feel well after surgery. Pain, nausea, and a lack of energy may occur even after a minor … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or … in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A …
Health topics
… But it can be more serious for women who are pregnant because it can cause birth defects. To learn more Doctors are … thinking about becoming pregnant and their male partners should talk to their doctor about the risk of travelling to … from an area with risk of Zika: A woman with no symptoms should wait at least 2 months before getting pregnant. If …
Health topics
… right pace When starting out, walk at a moderate pace. You should be moving at a faster pace than a stroll without … over-exerting yourself. If you are with a partner, you should be able to talk without feeling breathless. You … a pedometer. Pedometers are small, inexpensive, easy-to-use devices that clip to your waistband and track the number …
Health topics
… The combination of fluid and germs (from bacteria or viruses) creates a perfect environment for an infection. Swelling from the infection can cause pain from increased pressure on the eardrum. The … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or …
Health topics
… responsibility as you learn the sport or activity. Always use the safety gear recommended for your chosen activity, … grow older. Often one foot is larger than the other. Shoes should be fitted to the larger foot. You don't need to buy … Each layer serves a purpose: The layer closest to your skin should wick moisture away from your body. Another layer …
Health topics
… has some feeling or movement in the affected area. What causes it? An SCI usually happens because of a sudden, severe … the skills you are learning in other areas (such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy) to do your hobbies. They … designs a unique plan for your recovery. The rehab centre should be able to meet your special needs. Keep this in mind …