6276 results found
Health topics
… a few people, allergies to things like bee stings or nuts cause a whole-body reaction that can be life-threatening. Read … giving yourself an epinephrine shot Allergies: rush immunotherapy Allergies: should I take allergy shots? Allergies: should I take shots …
Health topics
… Many foot problems—such as bunions , calluses and corns , or hammer, claw, or mallet toes —will not … deep toe boxes (the area that surrounds the toes). There should be about 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes. Are made …
Health topics
… Overview Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) with no cause is defined as at least 3 separate episodes of abdominal … worse with stress, anger, or excitement. A child with RAP should eat regular meals, not skip any meals, and not … foods, may trigger an episode in some children. Your child should not eat any foods that cause abdominal pain. It is …
Health topics
… or discomfort from heartburn or constipation. You can also use home treatment for sleep problems, hip pain, hemorrhoids … and after pregnancy. This can happen because of changes in hormones or blood flow, or because you are moving less … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Wildfires can impact water sources used for our drinking water. For example: nearby streams, … If you are on a community water system, your water supplier should check your water system and the quality of your drinking water. If there are concerns, they should speak to you. If your drinking water comes from your …
Health topics
… There are many things to think about when deciding if you should have inguinal hernia repair surgery. For example, is … to light activity after 1 to 2 weeks. Strenuous exercise should wait until after 4 weeks of recovery. Studies have … severe lung diseases such as emphysema . The carbon dioxide used to inflate the belly may interfere with their …
Health topics
… risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and all-cause mortality. Canadian guidelines recommend that adults … Resistance exercise, which provide clear health benefits, should be incorporated at least 2 days each week as well as … amount of physical activity has some benefits and adults should be encouraged to do even small amounts of moderate- …
Health topics
… Overview Overview A mouth guard is used to prevent mouth and dental injuries while … at a store that sells athletic supplies. Your mouth guard should cover your upper or lower teeth and gums and fit so that your jaws are properly aligned. It should also be light, strong, and easy to clean. Frequent …
Medical tests
… between your menstrual periods. A vaginal self-examination should not replace a regular pelvic examination by your … a time when you are not having a menstrual period. Do not use vaginal creams or douches before doing the examination. … the light and mirror until you can see into the vagina. You should be able to see the reddish pink walls of the vagina, …
Health topics
… the staff qualified? Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the … setting up a support system. What can you eat? The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …