6281 results found
Health topics
… that you eat for reasons other than hunger. You may eat because you're sad, depressed, stressed, or lonely. Or you may use food as a reward. Food can be soothing and distract you … reasons. Big life events, like losing a job, can cause emotions that lead you to eat more. So can small hassles …
Health topics
… , panic attacks , severe anxiety , or a substance use problem. This may put you at a higher risk for suicide. … a lot about killing yourself. Having a weapon that could be used for killing yourself. Taking a lot of drugs or alcohol. … voices that tell you to harm yourself. If you think your spouse or a loved one is at risk for suicide: Learn the warning …
Health topics
… Dulls pain, but doesn’t eliminate it. Benefits Can be used right up until birth with no effect on the baby. The … baby is born. Makes some women feel drowsy, dizzy or nauseated. Dulls pain, but doesn't eliminate it. Benefits Can … Some women report headaches after an epidural. Benefits Used at any time during labour to provide the most effective …
Health topics
… The collarbone (clavicle) is one of the main bones of the shoulder joint . It holds the shoulder up and, along with the shoulder blade (scapula) and … and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a broken collarbone? A broken collarbone is usually …
Health topics
… with quick and easy meal ingredients Keeping commonly used foods in your kitchen can help you pull together a … deli section. You can chop or shred the cooked chicken and use it as a filling in burritos, soups, and casseroles. Try … ginger-soy vinaigrette can complete the salad. Fish tacos. Use frozen fish fillets, such as cod, and bagged shredded …
Health topics
… he was coping well with his back pain. He had gotten used to having pain most days since he hurt his back at … work. He didn't go on bike rides with his son the way he used to. He snapped at his wife in a way he never had … and back pain "My wife begged me to see my doctor, because she saw all these changes in my personality," Ravi says. …
Health topics
… or tooth loss. When malocclusion is severe, it can even cause problems with eating or speaking. What causes it? Malocclusion is usually caused by problems with the shape or size of the jaw or teeth. …
Health topics
… forks, spoons, knives, and cups that are easy to hold. Use mats and plates that won't slip. And if preparing to eat … Cut or shred the food into small pieces before serving. Use canned or cooked fruits and vegetables that are soft. … meal. If the person has trouble hearing or understanding, use gestures to help you communicate. Make sure that you …
Health topics
… Chikungunya (say "chick-un-GOON-ya") fever is an illness caused by a virus that is carried by mosquitoes. You're more … pain, swollen joints, or a rash. Chikungunya and dengue viruses are transmitted by the same species of mosquito and may … lasts for months or even years. Antibiotics won't help, because this illness is caused by a virus, not bacteria. To …
Medical tests
… your throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test uses X-rays in real time (fluoroscopy) and records what … swallow. A sweet flavour, like chocolate or strawberry, is used to make it easier to drink. Risks The barium in the … thinks you may be at risk for complications, he or she may use a special type of contrast material (Gastrografin) …