6281 results found
Health topics
… pain and stiffness in the neck after an injury that has caused the neck to move suddenly or beyond its normal range. … the neck and sometimes in the muscles in your head, chest, shoulders, and arms. You also may have a headache, feel … you to do so. Talk with your doctor about whether physiotherapy could help you. Return to your normal daily …
Health topics
… baby (fetus) from harmful chemicals. Avoid pesticides, household cleaners, and paint. Fumes from these substances can … to a baby, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Use chemical-free cleaning alternatives while you're pregnant. If you must use chemical cleaners, wear gloves, ventilate the area, and …
Health topics
… usually occurs when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. Your breasts may become firm and swollen, which can make it hard for your baby to breastfeed. What causes it? Engorgement may happen: When your milk first comes … make and extra blood and fluids in your breasts. Your body uses the extra fluids to make more breast milk for your …
HealthLinkBC files
… oils found naturally in animal and plant foods, and those used in cooking, at the table, and added to processed foods. … they contain. For example, butter is a saturated fat because it has mainly saturated fatty acids. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat because it has mainly unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats …
Health topics
… and nice teeth. Let your child know that continuing will cause problems with how his or her teeth grow. Use a mirror to show your child the changes happening to his … suck their thumbs while watching TV. You may wish to use a bandage or a bad-tasting substance such as Thum that …
Health topics
… tear in the lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead … a common problem. They affect people of all ages. What causes it? Anal fissures are caused by injury or trauma to the anal canal. Injury can …
Medical tests
… response in a person. Skin tests are usually done because they are rapid, reliable, and generally less expensive than blood tests, but either type of test may be used. Skin tests A small amount of a suspected allergen is … allergy test may be done when a substance does not cause a reaction in the skin prick test but is still suspected …
Health topics
… trees with ripe fruit, where bees spend their time. Do not use perfumes, scented soaps, or suntan lotion. Do not wear … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Local anesthesia uses medicine (anesthetics) to block pain from a part of the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… help you stand and walk using good posture: Keep your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means … help you stand and walk using good posture: Keep your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees …