6365 results found
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … and can live active, full lives without treatment. But others may develop severe liver damage. If this happens, you … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Take antiviral medicine Take …
Health topics
… viral illness that causes a fever during pregnancy or after your delivery. Mild fevers that last only a short time … . Talk to your doctor if: A fever develops and you have other health risks, such as diabetes or other chronic conditions. A fever …
Health topics
… white patches. The doctor will also ask you questions about your or your child's health. If your doctor thinks that another health problem, such as diabetes, may be related to … last 3 months of pregnancy. This will decrease your baby's risk of getting thrush during delivery. Wash bottle nipples …
Health topics
… normal part of language development. Most children aren't bothered by it and may not even notice that they're doing it. … words or phrases that aren't related. You may notice that your child stutters more when he or she is excited, anxious, … need a physical examination and other tests to rule out health problems that affect speech development, such as …
Health topics
… and the kidneys. It can also cause high blood pressure and other health problems. Although it isn't normal to have lead in your body, a small amount is present in most people. … reduced lead exposure in Canada, but it is still a health risk, especially for young children. What causes it? Lead …
Health topics
… contact with a human papillomavirus (HPV) . You can infect yourself again by touching the wart and then touching another part of your body. You can infect another person by … not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 , because of the risk of Reye syndrome , a serious but rare illness. Be safe …
Healthy eating
… Benefits Programs Provincial nutrition benefits are part of Health Supplements and Programs available through the BC … cannot be met through breastfeeding, OR The infant is at risk from contracting a disease through breastfeeding … cancer requiring nutritional support during radiation, chemotherapy, surgical therapy or ongoing medical treatment …
Health topics
… Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or … Try to take good care of your own physical and emotional health. Doing so will help provide you with needed energy to … healthy foods, resting, visiting with friends, and doing other things you enjoy. Don't be afraid to ask family …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview … and blood type of the fetus. This is a blood test for the mother. The test can be done as early as 10 weeks in the … this screening test is positive, it means there is a chance your baby has a birth defect. In that case, your doctor may …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … (such as stroke, cancer of the breast/uterus). Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with your doctor. The risk … is used by women with a uterus to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). Tibolone …