6365 results found
Health topics
… The shot is used to prevent pregnancy. You get the shot in your upper arm or rear end (buttocks). The shot gives you a … birth control for 3 months at a time. You then need another shot. The shot may cause bone loss. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits. How well does it work? When the shot is …
Health topics
… Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Eat Out … is a way to relax and socialize. But if you are watching your weight or just are concerned with healthy eating, … soft drinks. If you don't like plain water, try other sugar-free or low-calorie beverages, such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Children are at higher risk of getting sick from travel to tropical and developing countries. Speak with your health care provider or travel clinic staff for advice … available for children are limited. Breastfed babies whose mothers are taking medication to prevent malaria must also …
Health topics
… feeling happier or grouchier than usual. Keeping track of your moods in a daily journal or on a calendar. Sticking … example, eat meals at regular times, and make exercise or other physical activity a part of your daily schedule. You … treatment as prescribed. It helps you to avoid taking risks or having to face problems caused by a manic episode. …
Health topics
… life can be better. Being active helps you look and feel your best and lowers your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood … active . Do you prefer being active by yourself or with others? Joining a group or a class can help keep you …
HealthLinkBC files
… drinking water. Wildfire smoke can have a harmful effect on your body. Drinking lots of water helps reduce inflammation … in B.C. When good practices are followed, there is little risk to human health and the environment. Most fire … as the water supply may be limited due to power outages or other impacts for an unknown amount of time If you have …
Health topics
… may not be able to merge what one eye sees with what the other eye sees. A child rarely outgrows strabismus after it … lazy eye or amblyopia ). Having strabismus can be hard on your child's self-esteem. It affects your child's appearance … or a cataract . Other things that can increase your child's risk for strabismus include an illness that affects the …
Health topics
… the person. People who are manic often feel isolated from other people. Spending even short periods of time with them … This allows the person to keep on the move but share your company. Answer questions honestly. But don't argue or … feels rested after only 2 to 3 hours of sleep. Call a health professional if you have questions or concerns about …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Magnetic … pictures of the knee . Muscles, ligaments , cartilage , and other joint structures are often best seen with an MRI. In … For an MRI test, you are placed inside the machine so that your knee is inside the strong magnetic field. MRI can find …
Health topics
… the environment you work in, and the tools you use to do your job. The goal of office ergonomics is to set up your … joints, blood vessels, and spine. You could also be at risk for problems such as tendinopathy and bursitis . These … your chair every 20 to 40 minutes. If you can, switch to another task. Maintain good health. Good general health, …