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3940 results found
… (sepsis), a certain blood problem (paraproteinemia), or a severe loss of body fluids (dehydration), as well as if you … risk for blood clots if you are an older adult, are severely dehydrated, have a catheter in a vein close to your … pain/swelling/warmth in the arm/leg, sudden/severe headache, trouble speaking, weakness on one side of …
… your doctor. Your seizures may worsen or cause a very severe seizure that is difficult to treat (status … trouble sleeping). Withdrawal from primidone can be severe and include seizures and (rarely) death. To help … vision easy bruising/bleeding fainting slow heartbeat severe tiredness/weakness pale skin fast/slow/shallow …
… you notice any of the following side effects: stiff muscles severe muscle spasms/cramping (such as twisting neck, … (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever) seizures severe stomach/abdominal pain This medication may cause a … symptoms: fever muscle stiffness/pain/tenderness/weakness severe tiredness severe confusion sweating fast/irregular …
… any serious symptoms, including: unexplained weight loss severe tiredness muscle aches/weakness that doesn't go away headaches that are severe or don't go away joint pain numbness/tingling of the … thoughts of suicide) Rarely, this medication can cause a severe (sometimes fatal) blood problem (lactic acidosis). …
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Health topics
… nerves). Irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. Severe headache and stiffness in the neck. Damage to the … Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, or back. Severe fatigue. Lyme Disease Test … nerves). Irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. Severe headache and stiffness in the neck. Damage to the …
Health topics
… waiting. There are several different kinds of surgeries for severe stress incontinence that doesn't improve with other … waiting. There are several different kinds of surgeries for severe stress incontinence that doesn't improve with other …
Health topics
… medicines because of other health problems. You have only mild symptoms that don't really bother you. You prefer to … medicines because of other health problems. You have only mild symptoms that don't really bother you. You prefer to … medicines because of other health problems. You have only mild symptoms that don't really bother you. You prefer to …
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