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4437 results found
Health topics
… Practicing Yoga to Relax Actionset Overview Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, … and a focus on thoughts and feelings as they happen (mindfulness). It began in ancient India as a spiritual …
Health topics
… twisted rope slowly unwinding. Tension swirling out of your body and down the drain. You holding a remote control and … Imagery as a mini-vacation Take a 10-minute trip in your mind to someplace you enjoy. The place may be a quiet, … the sounds, smells, sights, and feelings. Let your body and mind respond as if you were actually there. Your thoughts …
Health topics
… Making a note helps you get a thought more firmly in your mind. You might want to keep a calendar or notebook with you … these other problems may also help your memory. Stay active—mind and body. Keep your mind working by doing puzzles, reading, or …
Health topics
… flexible joints are used more than any other joint in the body. They allow the jaw to open and close for talking, … a health condition. Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body Prevention To prevent temporomandibular … on its own. Explore more Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body Symptoms TMDs can affect the jaw and jaw joint …
Health topics
… Having an evening routine and a set bedtime will help your body get used to a sleeping schedule. You may want to ask … bed to help prevent waking up often to use the toilet. Be mindful of your activities during the day. Your habits and … bed to help prevent waking up often to use the toilet. Be mindful of your activities during the day. Your habits and …
Health topics
… around. Keep these positive, hopeful pictures in your mind. A positive attitude can also help you keep up a … practicing optimism, remember to keep a flexible frame of mind. Expect change, and be ready to adjust to it. How can … around. Keep these positive, hopeful pictures in your mind. A positive attitude can also help you keep up a …
Health topics
… probably make you feel pretty bad-and it will make your body weaker, just when you need it to be strong. Or you … "just thoughts." What's the big deal? Because of the mind-body connection , your thoughts really can affect your … "just thoughts." What's the big deal? Because of the mind-body connection , your thoughts really can affect your …
Health topics
… and have a structure like the cholesterol produced in the body. You can find phytosterols in many plants and thus in … breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural … breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural …
Health topics
… casually picking up a light or heavy load. Plan in your mind for the best way to lift what's in front of you. This … and don't twist as you lift. Hold the load as close to your body as possible, at the level of your belly button. Use … casually picking up a light or heavy load. Plan in your mind for the best way to lift what's in front of you. This …
Health topics
… cases, menopause happens at around age 50, but everyone's body has its own timeline. As you get closer to menopause, … may help reduce the number and severity of hot flashes. Mind and body relaxation, such as breathing exercises. This … hot flashes with: Cognitive behavioural therapy. Hypnosis. Mind and body relaxation. Soy. Yoga or biofeedback. …