4435 results found
Health topics
… think frailty develops because of changes in how the body works. These body changes are more likely to happen … habits include: Eating right. Staying active. Keeping the mind active. Preventing falls. Staying connected If your … habits include: Eating right. Staying active. Keeping the mind active. Preventing falls. Staying connected If your …
Health topics
… thoughts or threats Warning signs of suicide Stress and mindfulness Stress is a normal response to dealing with … actions to reduce and manage stress Stress management Mindfulness-based stress reduction Caring for others …
Health topics
… postpartum? During the first weeks after giving birth, your body begins to heal and adjust to not being pregnant. This … Ask for help with housework, cooking, and shopping. Remind yourself that your job is to care for your baby. … Ask for help with housework, cooking, and shopping. Remind yourself that your job is to care for your baby. …
Health topics
… 2 If you don't choose surgery now, you can change your mind later if your symptoms haven't gotten better or have … 2 If you don't choose surgery now, you can change your mind later if your symptoms haven't gotten better or have …
Health topics
… that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind and spirit. Sometimes hospice palliative care is … Making plans while you are still able may also ease your mind and make your final days less stressful and more …
Health topics
… eating from the package. Limit how often you eat out. Try mindful eating. Be aware of your hunger and respond to what your body tells you. Try to include foods that you enjoy eating. … eating from the package. Limit how often you eat out. Try mindful eating. Be aware of your hunger and respond to what …
Health topics
… happens, your kidneys make less urine, which means your body can't get rid of extra sugar. This is when blood sugar … insulin pen, note the date you started using it. Keep in mind that reusable pens expire. For example, a pen may … insulin pen, note the date you started using it. Keep in mind that reusable pens expire. For example, a pen may …
Health topics
… Heart Problems Pregnancy and Childbirth Sleep Problems Body Category Lists In this section you will find diseases and conditions grouped by body category. If you know what area of the body you are interested in learning about, choose the link …
Health topics
… Kidney stones may stay in the kidney or travel out of the body through the urinary tract . When moving through the … for now. If the pain gets to be too bad, I can change my mind and have the stone broken up. Rita, age 28 What matters … for now. If the pain gets to be too bad, I can change my mind and have the stone broken up." — Rita, age 28 3. What …
Health topics
… One problem is trying to match a donated organ with the body of the person who gets the organ. Make sure to think … process, know that it's never too late to change your mind about donating an organ. Talk with your IDA and others … process, know that it's never too late to change your mind about donating an organ. Talk with your IDA and others …