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4434 results found
Health topics
… on one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, … on one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, …
Health topics
… behaviour, interests, and play. Examples include repeated body rocking, unusual attachments to objects, and getting … with ASD are very sensitive to textures. Keep this in mind when you prepare healthy foods. For example, your child … with ASD are very sensitive to textures. Keep this in mind when you prepare healthy foods. For example, your child …
HealthLinkBC files
… and being active is important for everyone, regardless of body size or health. Reaching and maintaining your best … lessen depression, and help you reach or maintain a healthy body weight. If you have been inactive for a long time, …
Health topics
… should stop driving. Each person is different. But keep in mind that most people drive 7 to 10 years longer than they … having conversations, or talking or texting on a phone. Remind yourself to look both ways when you approach an … should stop driving. Each person is different. But keep in mind that most people drive 7 to 10 years longer than they …
Health topics
… your energy level and your mood, sleep debt affects your body in lots of other ways. For example: You may feel pain … you from sleeping well. And without enough sleep, your body can't fight the illness as well. Getting help If you … your energy level and your mood, sleep debt affects your body in lots of other ways. For example: You may feel pain …
Health topics
… waste products and extra fluid and flush them from your body as urine. When your kidneys don't work right, wastes … More important Equally important More important I don't mind having to rely on others for transportation or other …     More important Equally important More important I don't mind having to rely on others for transportation or other …
Health topics
… will attract your child. Supervise your child. But keep in mind that constant hovering over children can limit their … closed shoes, and clothes that fully cover his or her body when outdoors. Monitor air pollution when planning to … will attract your child. Supervise your child. But keep in mind that constant hovering over children can limit their …
Medical tests
… a tracer (radioactive substance) to look at organs in the body. The tracer usually is a special form of a substance … or IV ) in your arm. The tracer moves through your body, where much of it collects in the specific organ or … cancer is and whether it has spread to another area of the body (metastasized). It is often necessary to do both CT and …
Healthy eating
… main functions are to: Regulate the amount of water in the body Get rid of waste products Balance minerals such as … enough that you do not have any symptoms. At each stage the body is less able to get rid of extra water and waste. In … too much. Protein is important for building and repairing body tissues, healing wounds and fighting infection. Not …
Health topics
… stem cell transplant, healthy stem cells are placed in your body through an IV to help your bone marrow start to work as … blood cells , white blood cells , or platelets to help your body stay healthy. If your bone marrow is damaged or … to help prevent the donor cells from attacking your body. Most people who don't have an immune system reaction …