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Health topics
… too much yeast to grow include: Warm and moist areas on the body. Tight-fitting, "non-breathable" clothing that keeps … Certain health problems, such as diabetes , that weaken the body's immune system . Certain medications, such as Prednisone, that weaken the body’s immune system.  What are the symptoms? The most …
… day as directed. Atovaquone must be taken with food so your body can absorb as much of the medication as possible so it … medication works best when the amount of medicine in your body is kept at a constant level. If you take this drug … medications can decrease the level of atovaquone in your body, which may affect how atovaquone works. Examples …
… (chemotherapy). Fosaprepitant works by blocking one of the body's natural substances (substance P/neurokinin 1) that … can affect the removal of fosaprepitant from your body, which may affect how fosaprepitant works. Examples … up or slow down the removal of other medications from your body, which may affect how they work. Examples of affected …
Health topics
… vessels supply blood to your kidneys. They also help the body control blood pressure. What causes it? The most common … smoking can help keep the renal and other arteries in your body healthy. Certain people may have an angioplasty or … you may have the same narrowing in other arteries in your body, like the coronary arteries of your heart . This …
Health topics
… thyroid gland, but it does not harm any other parts of your body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , treatment … after treatment, the radioactive iodine will leave your body in your urine and saliva. How long it takes will depend … Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the radioactivity. Your doctor will give you …
Healthy eating
… occurring plant substance). Antioxidants protect your body’s cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called … free radicals. Some free radicals are made during normal body processes like breathing, exercising and digesting … such as beta carotene, are changed to vitamin A in the body. These are best absorbed when eaten with a small amount …
Health topics
… signals keep the heart pumping blood to the lungs and the body. What controls the timing of your heartbeat? Your … electrical system also increases this rate to meet your body's needs during physical activity and lowers it during … Your heart rate can adjust higher or lower to meet your body's needs. Your brain and other parts of your body send …
… (hot flashes). Symptoms of menopause are caused by the body making less estrogen. If you are using estrogens to … exercising regularly, and stopping smoking. Keep your mind active with mental exercises (such as reading, solving … exercising regularly, and stopping smoking. Keep your mind active with mental exercises (such as reading, solving …
Health topics
… anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Sometimes a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red blood cells. This is called …
Health topics
… Bone for grafts is sometimes taken from other parts of the body, like the hip bone, or from bone banks. The grafts will … Loss of the normal curve in the low back causes the upper body to tilt forward, so standing up straight is hard to do. … Bone for grafts is sometimes taken from other parts of the body, like the hip bone, or from bone banks. The grafts will …