4432 results found
Health features
… therapy. For more information, read Contact with blood and body fluids: Protecting against infection ( HealthLinkBC … Blood and bodily fluid precautions Contact with blood or body fluids: Protecting against infection (HealthLinkBC File …
Health topics
… (pandemic). Symptoms can range from mild, such as fever and body aches, to severe, including trouble breathing. COVID-19 … children who may have many health problems that affect many body systems. These problems may limit how well the child … (pandemic). Symptoms can range from mild, such as fever and body aches, to severe, including trouble breathing. COVID-19 …
Health topics
… will help me regain the use of my shoulder faster. I don't mind waiting longer while I try rest and physiotherapy to … will help me regain the use of my shoulder faster. I don't mind waiting longer while I try rest and physiotherapy to … will help me regain the use of my shoulder faster. I don't mind waiting longer while I try rest and physiotherapy to …
Medical tests
… entire amount of semen you produce. Keep the semen close to body temperature. A good way to do this is by keeping the … entire amount of semen you produce. Keep the semen close to body temperature. A good way to do this is by keeping the …
Health topics
… immune system . Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial heart valve. … immune system . Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial heart valve. …
Health topics
… remove tumours that may have spread to other parts of the body. How Well It Works Surgery to remove the melanoma … remove tumours that may have spread to other parts of the body. How Well It Works Surgery to remove the melanoma …
Health topics
… This electrical current is thought to interfere with the body's pain signals. TENS relaxes muscles, improves blood … This electrical current is thought to interfere with the body's pain signals. TENS relaxes muscles, improves blood …
Health topics
… Massage. Pressure is applied to the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Massage can help relax muscles, … or physiotherapist for different types of manual therapy (bodywork). Why It Is Used Manual therapy (or bodywork) is sometimes used for neck pain . Manual therapy …
Health topics
… the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting an … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting an …
Health topics
… you should not have electrolysis on any part of your body. How Well It Works When electrolysis is done correctly, … you should not have electrolysis on any part of your body. How Well It Works When electrolysis is done correctly, …