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4432 results found
… is used in combination with other medications to keep your body from attacking and rejecting your transplanted organ … called immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own. Other Uses …
Health topics
… too much in a day or force yourself to keep going when your body needs rest, you could then crash and need several days … envelope. How can you pace yourself? Check in with your body and think about how much energy you have that day. Your … too much in a day or force yourself to keep going when your body needs rest, you could then crash and need several days …
Medical tests
… has syphilis during pregnancy. Testing is done on blood, body fluid, or tissue samples. If a first screening test … can spread through the bloodstream to all parts of the body. If not treated, syphilis can cause severe heart … has syphilis during pregnancy. Testing is done on blood, body fluid, or tissue samples. If a first screening test …
Healthy eating
… they are. It may cause tingling or pain in parts of your body and decreased vision. Other symptoms of MS can include: … Calcium is one of the building blocks of strong bones. Your body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium. Good food …
Health topics
… time you need to do the following: Choose the part of your body to inject . If you give your shots in different places on your body each day, use the same site at the same time of day. … time you need to do the following: Choose the part of your body to inject . If you give your shots in different places …
Health topics
… gland. The gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism). A doctor may take … whether it has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body. You may need follow-up treatment to help prevent the … gland. The gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism). A doctor may take …
Health topics
… soap or liquid soap. Tear-free shampoo or no-rinse shampoo. Body lotion that is especially for dry skin. A removable … areas that they can't reach, such as the back. Gently remind the person you're caring for that it's best to start … areas that they can't reach, such as the back. Gently remind the person you're caring for that it's best to start …
Health topics
… warm-up and cool­-down with your activity Listen to your body and adjust your activity. Stop if you're feeling … one day and another group the next day. This gives your body plenty of time to recover, repair, and rebuild Check … winter. This helps avoid injuries that can happen when your body hasn't been active for a while … How to Exercise Safely …
Health topics
… shaky, and nauseated. It also can make it hard for your body to get enough nutrition. Your doctor will give you … or medicine. Surgery is generally considered when your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher. Surgery may also be … shaky, and nauseated. It also can make it hard for your body to get enough nutrition. Your doctor will give you …
Medical tests
… the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells. Extra or missing chromosomes, or abnormal … can cause problems with a person's growth, development, and body functions. Why It Is Done Karyotyping is done to: Find … can be done using almost any cell or tissue from the body. A karyotype test usually is done on a blood sample …