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Health topics
Health topics
… for genital herpes, treatment can help. Treatment includes: Medicines. Antiviral medicines are the recommended treatment. They can be taken … after an outbreak begins. If you have a lot of outbreaks, medicines can also be taken every day. This helps reduce …
Health topics
… asthma so you can live the life you want. Take the daily medicines as described in your action plan. This can keep … your asthma symptoms has changed or if you need to change medicines or doses. When you go to the doctor: Take both … Take your peak flow meter (if you use one) and your medicines so your doctor can review your treatment and the …
Health topics
… has a written plan or a weapon or is saving (stockpiling) medicines. The person is hearing or seeing things that … with one doctor or counsellor, try another one. "Aren't medicines for depression addictive?" "These medicines make you crazy or uninterested in sex." Medicines
Health topics
… the mouth to the stomach. In adults, reflux is often called heartburn or acid reflux. This can also cause pain and … or teen is having symptoms, the doctor may want to see if medicines help before doing tests. If a baby is not growing … If these steps don't work, the doctor may suggest medicine. Medicines that may be used include: Children's antacids with …