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Health topics
… within a period of time. Severe diarrhea means having more than 10 loose, watery stools in a single day (24 hours). Moderate diarrhea means having more than a few but not more than 10 diarrhea stools in a day. Mild diarrhea means …
Health topics
… of seizure-like activity. NES are characterized by a loss of or change in physical function without a central nervous system problem. The loss or change causes periods of physical activity or … to an emotional conflict. People with NES have periods of loss of or change in physical activity that resemble …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You're more likely to have coronary artery disease if you have one or more close relatives who had early coronary artery disease. … in their family members. Children of parents who smoke are more likely to smoke than children of non-smokers. Dietary …
Health topics
… to menstrual cycles, sex, infection, birth control methods, aging, medicines, or changes after pregnancy. Men's sexual … No matter what the problem, our topics can help you learn more about sexual health and what you can do to maintain it. … No matter what the problem, our topics can help you learn more about sexual health and what you can do to maintain it. …
Health topics
… in your abdomen, back, or legs that lasts a few hours or more. Your breasts may be tender, and you may get acne. When … in your abdomen, back, or legs that lasts a few hours or more. Your breasts may be tender, and you may get acne. When …
Health topics
… who has had many CT scans starting at a young age is more likely to get cancer later in life than someone who … had any or as many of these tests. CT scans generally use more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an adult … who was treated with radiation for cancer early in life is more likely to get another cancer later in life. A person …
Health topics
… less tired or less out of breath. Feel stronger and have more energy. Improve your mood. Stay independent and live … Cut back on your exercise if you're tired or not feeling well. Tracking your activity Tracking your activity can help … being active, like feeling less out of breath or having more energy. How you feel. It's okay to cut back on your …
Health topics
… And her blood pressure is 110 to 115 over 60 to 65. Eating more vegetables Izzy happens to love fresh vegetables. So … And her blood pressure is 110 to 115 over 60 to 65. Eating more vegetables Izzy happens to love fresh vegetables. So …
Health topics
… will babble constantly. It's part of learning language. And more words will come. Learn what else you can expect with … toddler: Will point to show you something. Understands far more words than he can speak. For example, he can point when … "Where's your belly button?" Uses a vocabulary of five or more words to make short expressions such as “all gone.” …
Health topics
… nothing to do with your low back pain. This can lead to more tests. FAQs What causes low back pain? In most cases, … are caused by serious disease or nerve-related problems. Imaging, including MRI, is helpful for diagnosing and planning … a problem when in fact there isn't one. This can lead to more tests that really aren't needed. And it may cause …