5664 results found
Health topics
… the symptoms bother you, not what your score is. Explore more Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Enlarged Prostate: … the symptoms bother you, not what your score is. Explore more Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Enlarged Prostate: …
Health topics
… make some simple lifestyle changes, you may improve how well you sleep. This topic will give you some tips on how to … may get in the way of a good night's sleep. Changing one or more of your habits may improve how well you sleep. How can … sleep better? Here are some tips that may help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling more refreshed. You might …
Health topics
Health topics
… Warfarin works against vitamin K. It makes your blood clot more slowly. So warfarin and vitamin K work against each … warfarin, it's important that you not suddenly eat a lot more or a lot less vitamin K-rich food than you usually do. … K and warfarin affect your test results To find out how well warfarin is working, you will get blood tests to …
Health topics
… help them go to sleep. But when you drink alcohol, you are more likely to awaken later in the night. Caffeine. Drinking … disrupt sleep and reduce total sleep time. Smokers report more daytime sleepiness and minor injuries than do … help them go to sleep. But when you drink alcohol, you are more likely to awaken later in the night. Caffeine. Drinking …
Health topics
… person of financial abuse. What factors can make abuse more likely? Elder abuse is a complex problem, and many … person of financial abuse. What factors can make abuse more likely? Elder abuse is a complex problem, and many …
HealthLinkBC files
… and has been identified throughout the world. HTLV-1 is more common in Japan and other countries in the Western … the spinal cord that causes weakness of the legs, backache, loss of bladder control or constipation. To confirm that you … Sexual contact. Evidence shows that the virus is spread more easily from a man to a woman, than from a woman to a …
Health topics
… nose Muscle and body aches Headache Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children than adults) COVID-19 has another symptom that also may occur: New loss of taste or smell COVID-19 symptoms may appear from 2 … with both infections at once. And having both may make you more sick than getting just one. Getting both vaccines can …
Health topics
… the eyes or by another disorder, sometimes related to aging. For example, a blocked tear duct may result from a … of the eye. The eyelids may stick together. Redness and swelling around the eye or nose. This can be caused by … help. In rare cases, babies with blocked tear ducts have a more severe problem that requires more complex surgery. In …
Health topics
… will be smoother if you encourage your teen to take on more and more responsibility over time. Allow your teen to meet with … will be smoother if you encourage your teen to take on more and more responsibility over time. Allow your teen to …