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Health topics
… gives you 20/20 vision, it does not change the normal aging of the eye. So you may still need reading glasses … surgery can cost a lot. It is rarely covered by provincial health plans or private health insurance. FAQs What is laser … the cornea is reshaped and the surface replaced. It takes more time to heal from PRK, LASEK, and epi-LASIK than from …
Health topics
… work. If you still have elbow pain and stiffness after more than 6 to 12 months of rest and rehab, you might think … nerve damage, and risks of anesthesia. Your age and your health can also affect your risk. Try tendon rest and … the cash register and stock instead. I still have to be careful, but the strap my doctor told me to wear below my …
Health topics
… your body try to get rid of water and can make you urinate more often. Try to avoid medicines that can make it hard to … These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as … don't feel any need to have surgery, because I think I'm managing just fine. Who knows whether the risks of surgery …
Health topics
… you will wear an ostomy bag to remove body waste. You are more likely to get colon cancer if you have had ulcerative … bleeding, nerve damage, and anesthesia. Your age and your health can also affect your risk. Keep taking medicine Keep … worse. Carolyn, age 40 I want to have surgery, because I'm scared of getting colon cancer. I had an uncle who had colon …
Health topics
… get bigger as the muscle wall of the belly gets weaker and more tissue bulges through. Many doctors recommend surgery … thinners that cannot be stopped for surgery. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. You have a skin … More important I will be travelling to an area where health care may not be available, so I want to take care of this …
Health topics
Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years On this page: Overview Healthy Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Safety … in this age range are gaining many new skills. They feel more and more independent. They may be curious, want to … Manoeuvre for Adults and Children Older Than 1 Year Managing Your Toddler's Frustrating Behaviours Support Groups …
Health topics
… most often begins between the ages of 11 and 15. If you haven't had a first period by age 15, it's called primary … Your doctor also may prescribe calcium supplements for bone health. Missed or Irregular Periods Current as of: August 2, 2022 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: William H. Blahd Jr. MD, …
Health topics
… The decision you and your doctor make depends on your age, health, and activity level, and on how much pain and … the leg back to the heart or move to the lungs. They are more common in older people, those who are very overweight, … no bad effects from home treatments such as staying at a healthy weight, exercising, and using heat and cold therapy. …
Health topics
… Most artificial hip joints last for at least 15 years. And more than half last for 25 years or more. But this can … support the use of acupuncture for hip arthritis. Natural health products , such as glucosamine and chondroitin, fish … gotten so bad that it's really hard for me to work, take care of the garden, or go for walks with my grandkids. I've …
Health topics
… Key points to remember Being very overweight makes you more likely to have serious health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. … Don't have surgery You keep trying to lose weight with healthy eating and exercise. You may try prescription drugs …