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Health topics
… For health care professionals Overview Find information and resources … on the importance of physical activity for general health and different types of chronic conditions. Access … in Helping You Make It Happen. The resources provided have been reviewed by scientists and health care
Health topics
… cancer. A high PSA can cause a lot of worry and lead to more tests. But most high PSA test results will not turn out … cancer These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as … guidelines on prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 16(4): …
Health topics
… test can cost a lot. Check to see if your provincial health plan will cover it. FAQs What are screening tests? … results? Normal results tell you that there is no need for more tests unless you have another concern, such as a known … other tests who spent a lot of time worrying, only to have healthy, normal babies. I feel like the best thing I can do …
Health topics
… artery bypass surgery along with medical therapy (a heart-healthy lifestyle and medicines). Don't have coronary artery … to your heart muscle. Some people have bypasses in two or more arteries. How many you need depends on how many … healthy food, being active, staying at a healthy weight, managing other health problems, and not smoking. A cardiac …
Health topics
… Heart Health: Walking for a Healthy Heart Actionset Overview … blood circulation through your body. This can help bring more oxygen and nutrients to your organs. Exercise also … goal into smaller, short-term goals. These short-term goals should be things you know you can do. Use a phone app or a …
Health topics
… start dialysis, you will need to keep doing it to stay as healthy as possible. If your needs change later, you can … than peritoneal dialysis. Home hemodialysis can give you more flexibility in when, where, and how long you have
Health topics
… Hysterectomy: Should I Also Have My Ovaries Removed? Decision Point You … your ovaries removed may raise your risk for some long-term health problems, such as heart disease and osteoporosis . … Knowing my risk of ovarian cancer is reduced will give me more peace of mind. Cynda, age 39 I have a very large …
Health topics
… may change the way you walk. Over time, this may lead to more discomfort and pain as well as other foot, leg, hip, or … surgery (rare). Risks of anesthesia . Your age and your health also affect your risk. Try other treatment Try other … In JF Sarwark, ed., Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, 4th ed., pp. 839–844. Rosemont, IL: American Academy …
Health topics
… before age 5. Umbilical hernias usually do not cause a health problem. Rare problems include part of the intestine … extra skin flap over them. These hernias look odd and are more visible than other kinds of umbilical hernias. Compare … her first birthday. It was really horrible to look at and scared her sometimes. Plus, she'd fiddle with it and scratch …
Health topics
… a combination of a physical examination, blood tests, imaging tests, and sometimes biopsies. If you've had prostate … problem during a person's life. But in some cases, it grows more quickly, spreading into nearby tissues, such as the … when you first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat …