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5153 results found
Health topics
… recover from surgery. It may be very difficult to swallow during this time. Because of this, only 60% of those having … the airway. Do not stop snoring after making lifestyle changes such as losing weight and sleeping on their sides. … the airway. Do not stop snoring after making lifestyle changes such as losing weight and sleeping on their sides. …
Health topics
… decisions. It's not fully understood how prayer may affect physical or mental health. But you may still find that … decisions. It's not fully understood how prayer may affect physical or mental health. But you may still find that …
Health topics
… pain, leaking of stool, or anal injury, may be caused by physical or sexual abuse that injures the abdominal or … pain, leaking of stool, or anal injury, may be caused by physical or sexual abuse that injures the abdominal or …
Health topics
… your age, your sex, where you carry your body fat, and how physically active you are. Obesity raises your risk for many … your age, your sex, where you carry your body fat, and how physically active you are. Obesity raises your risk for many …
… your medical history, especially of any kind of infection. During treatment, tell your doctor right away if you develop … throat, fever, chills, pain when urinating). Before and during treatment with this medication, your doctor will test … Your doctor should also monitor you for symptoms of TB during and after treatment with this drug. If needed, …
… and use exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Even small changes in the amount of insulin may have a large effect on … it can increase the risk of developing low blood sugar. During times of stress, such as fever, infection, injury, or … because a change in your treatment plan may be required. Changes in your lifestyle or activity level may affect the …
… and use exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Even small changes in the amount of insulin may have a large effect on … it can increase the risk of developing low blood sugar. During times of stress, such as fever, infection, injury, or … because a change in your treatment plan may be required. Changes in your lifestyle or activity level may affect the …
Health topics
… will ask you about your past health, symptoms, and work and physical activities. Then your doctor will do a physical examination. Your doctor may also order an imaging … about your past health, your symptoms, and your work and physical activities. Then your doctor will do a physical
… hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This condition may occur during or after treatment. Rarely, serious OHSS causes fluid … when you become pregnant. This medication must not be used during pregnancy. If you think you may be pregnant, tell … hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This condition may occur during or after treatment. Rarely, serious OHSS causes fluid …
… sex or use tampons or douches while using this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … taken by mouth have been used to treat vaginal infections during pregnancy, especially high-risk pregnancies (for … sex or use tampons or douches while using this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …