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5155 results found
… using this medication do not have serious side effects. Changes in your sense of taste/smell or loss of taste/smell … if you have any serious side effects, including: vision changes mental/mood changes (such as depression) unexplained … away if you get sunburned or have skin blisters/redness. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… coordination eye redness/pain sensitivity to light vision changes headache that is unusual or doesn't go away seizures … loss/gain increased thirst/urination mood or behavior changes (such as decreased sex drive, irritability, … function, blood sugar) should be done before and during treatment with this medication. Keep all medical and …
… side effects, including: dizziness fainting mental/mood changes (such as confusion, hallucinations, restlessness, … serious side effects, including: eye pain/swelling vision changes (such as seeing rainbows around lights at night) … of this drug, especially increased pressure in the eye. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… may use general anesthesia. This means you'll be asleep during surgery. Which type of anesthesia you get depends on … last longer. It should also last longer if you avoid hard physical work and sports that stress the joint. In the … last longer. It should also last longer if you avoid hard physical work and sports that stress the joint. In the …
… weight gain shortness of breath back/chest pain mental/mood changes bone pain muscle weakness easy bruising/bleeding … adults may be at greater risk for bone pain and mental/mood changes while using this drug. Children may be at greater … bone pain and mental/mood changes while using this drug. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… dizziness drowsiness slow/shallow breathing mental/mood changes (such as confusion, nervousness) shaking seizures vision changes (such as double/blurred vision) ringing in the ears … effects of this drug, especially dizziness and drowsiness. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Medical tests
… A breast biopsy is usually done to check a lump found during a breast examination or to look at a suspicious area … No abnormal or cancer cells are present. Abnormal: Breast changes that are not cancer (benign) include: Calcium … Fibrocystic lumps and firm tumours (fibroadenomas). Breast changes that are not cancer but may increase your risk for …
… away if you or a caregiver notice symptoms such as unusual changes in behavior, vision problems/changes, severe headache, changes in skin color, or change … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… throat that doesn't go away, fever, chills) mental/mood changes (such as restlessness, confusion, depression, … to the side effects of this drug, especially mental/mood changes (such as confusion), seizure, or unusual tiredness. During pregnancy, famotidine should be used only when …
… serious side effects. Ivabradine may rarely cause vision changes such as brief increased brightness, or seeing halos or colored bright lights. Sudden changes in light brightness may set off this effect. If … usually start within the first 2 months and may go away during treatment or after stopping this medication. Tell …