5155 results found
Medical tests
… to the lungs. This problem is called a pulmonary embolism. During pregnancy, Doppler ultrasound may be used to look at … methods to make a picture of a blood vessel. A computer changes the Doppler sounds into colours that are overlaid on … lie down and breathe normally. You must lie very still. Any changes in blood flow that are affected by how you breathe …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Is it safe to travel during pregnancy? Pregnant women can be at increased risk of … or the Zika virus are common. The safest time to travel is during 18 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Most complications during pregnancy occur during the first and third …
Health topics
… Milestones usually are categorized into five major areas: physical growth, cognitive development, emotional and social … language development, and sensory and motor development. Physical growth and development Most children by age 1: Have … objects, such as a piece of cereal, with their thumb and second finger ("pincer grasp"). Most children use the pincer …
Health topics
… a tumour, such as with bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it … cells during radiation therapy may cause side effects. Skin changes Skin changes are common with radiation therapy. The … a child). Harm to your lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused by exposure to radiation. …
Health topics
… include depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and physical illness. If you or someone you know experiences any … or child. High levels of anxiety Anxiety also is common during the grieving process. But anxiety can last longer … trouble breathing, chest pain or tightness, heartbeat changes, dizziness, sweating, and shaking. Physical illness …
HealthLinkBC files
… skills such as identifying and dealing with feelings, physical skills such as fine and gross motor skills, and … idea that can guide your interactions with your child, during playtime or at other times of the day. Pay attention … games, ideas that can be used to support and encourage physical activity early on, and is updated on a weekly …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Breast lumps or changes are a common health worry. You may have many kinds of breast lumps and other breast changes throughout your life. This may include changes that … lumps worry about breast cancer. You might find a lump during a breast self-examination. Any breast symptoms can be …
Health topics
… Expect On this page: Overview Health Tools Before Surgery During Surgery After Surgery Overview … reaction to anesthesia or pain medicines. Talk about any physical restrictions you have, such as an artificial joint … has been controlled so that it doesn't interfere with your physical activities. You are able to: Eat. Breathe using …
Health topics
… medical name for this process is external cephalic version. During the process of trying to turn your baby, your doctor … (oligohydramnios), the baby is more likely to be injured during a version attempt. The mother has been pregnant … labour starts or your baby or you develop a serious problem during version, you may have an emergency C-section to …
Medical tests
… 20 minutes. But the needle is in your liver for just a few seconds. After the procedure, you will need to lie on your … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you … the liver or a cancer is suspected, the biopsy may be done during a laparoscopy . You will need to take off all or most …