5133 results found
Health topics
… of healthier eating. For example: maybe you want to have more energy to do things you enjoy. Or maybe you want to set … involve food. For example, maybe you're calling a friend more often, taking walks, or spending time on a favourite … different about yourself and your life? Maybe you'd have more energy or feel a little more confident. Or maybe you'd …
Health topics
… In some cases, the infection may go away on its own. In more severe cases it may lead to long-term liver problems. … chronic disease. It is a vaccine-preventable illness. Learn more about hepatitis A: Fulminant Hepatitis Hepatitis A … Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable illness. Learn more about hepatitis B: Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Immune …
Health topics
… is feeding well and seems comfortable. Breastfed babies are more likely to have frequent stools. They may have a stool … a baby switches from breast milk to formula. This is even more likely if the change happens during the first 2 to 3 … Changes in diet, such as when a child starts to eat more adult foods. Not drinking enough fluids. Sometimes the …
Health topics
… want to cope better with the stress in their lives and find more balance and joy. A less-stressed life usually helps us be more of the person we most want to be. Exploring what's … help me." "Too many people need me." "Everything else seems more important." "I don't have a good plan." "I'm not sure …
Health topics
… Key points to remember Being very overweight makes you more likely to have serious health problems, such as heart … work by making you feel less hungry, making you feel full more quickly, or changing how you digest fat. These … weight. The medicines are used along with diet changes and more physical activity. Without making lifestyle changes, …
Health topics
… range. Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and being more active, are the first steps to get blood sugar under … insulin may take some time. You'll also need to pay more attention to your blood sugar levels than you may be … food. Exercising without eating enough, or being much more active than usual. Drinking too much alcohol …
Health topics
… to exercise. Remember that exercise can actually give you more energy. Most people feel more energetic throughout the day after they start to be more active. Here are some tips to help you. Eat a balanced …
Health topics
… Anyone can get seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but it's more common in: Women. People who live far from the equator, … feel unhappy and tired during fall and winter. But you feel more cheerful and have more energy in spring and summer. What are the symptoms? If …
Health topics
… This means that you may not be able to stand losing much more blood during surgery before you'd need a transfusion. … time of surgery, so your body may not be able to lose much more blood before needing a transfusion. In some cases, it's … surgery. If you are having major surgery that may require more blood than this, you may need more than you can safely …
Health topics
… not be a sign of a urinary problem. Your child may urinate more often because he or she is drinking extra fluid or … Pain during urination because of skin irritation occurs more often in girls (genital skin irritation) than it does … the bladder. You may find your child trying to urinate more often than usual to try to soothe the pain. But your …