5133 results found
Health topics
… flare-up, your usual symptoms suddenly get worse. You have more shortness of breath and wheezing. You have more coughing, with or without mucus. You may cough up more mucus than usual, and it may be a different colour. …
Health topics
… into adulthood. Also by age 16, teens can learn to process more complex problems and to develop and test theories. They are better able to handle a more demanding high school curriculum as their memory and … and study skills. Written and spoken language become more and more sophisticated. They may also start to grasp …
Health topics
… help inform decisions about your treatment or care. For more information about who needs testing, visit BC Centre … illness, they should be seen by a health care provider. For more information, visit BC Centre for Disease Control: … acceptable for getting treatment if you are eligible. Learn more about how to use a Rapid Testing kit and what the test …
Health topics
… you notice negative thoughts and reframe them so they're more helpful. If you learn how to reframe negative thoughts, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle life's challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or cope with stress, anxiety, and …
Health topics
… nosocomial pneumonia. Experts tend to think of it as a more serious illness than pneumonia that people get in daily … causes most cases of pneumonia. These other bacteria may be more resistant to antibiotics and harder to treat than S. … pneumonia when you are in a hospital. You are more likely to get it if you: Have another serious …
Health topics
… a spouse. Give the person time. Sometimes older adults need more time to become aware of their feelings and express them. Sometimes they need more time to complete other activities as well. Giving an … become aware of their feelings and may help the person feel more comfortable talking with you. Talk about the loss. Ask …
Health topics
… called the pulp. It contains nerves and blood vessels. The more layers that are affected by decay, the worse the … make acids. The acids attack the teeth for 20 minutes or more after you eat. Over time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, causing tooth decay. Things that make you more likely to have tooth decay include: Not brushing and …
Health features
… to your health and cause heat-related illnesses. Learn more about heat-related illnesses and get tips on how to … confusion, dizziness/fainting and flushed skin. Learn more about heat stroke: Emergency first aid for heat stroke … #26) Ultraviolet radiation (HealthLinkBC File #11) To learn more about staying safe and healthy this summer, visit Your …
Health topics
… (such as acetaminophen) or if other symptoms last for more than 48 hours. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics if … Is younger than 2 and has an infection in both ears or has more than mild pain or fever. Is very ill from the … young children have shorter eustachian tubes , which are more easily blocked than those of older children and adults. …
Health topics
… will update Canada’s dietary guidelines as needed. Learn more about the revision process and how to register for … Canada. Health professionals in British Columbia can learn more about the food guide and earn credits by completing the … 2007 food guide may be appropriate in some instances where more detailed information is needed, such as menu planning. …