5133 results found
Health topics
… the damage to your lungs. But you can take steps to prevent more damage and to feel better. What causes COPD? COPD is … is most common in people who are older than 60. You may be more likely to get COPD if you had a lot of serious lung … It gets harder to eat or exercise, and breathing takes much more energy. People often lose weight and get weaker. At …
Health topics
… as or slightly better than warfarin. But DOACs usually cost more than warfarin. A DOAC may be a good choice if you … on average, people who have atrial fibrillation are 5 times more likely to have a stroke than people who don't have … such as a skin rash or stomach upset. DOACs usually cost more than warfarin. DOACs lower your risk for stroke, but …
Health topics
… get older, your meniscus gets worn. This can make it tear more easily. If you are older, you may not know what you did … of the meniscus. Partial removal also allows a quicker and more complete recovery than total removal. Removing the … and I'll still have stability in the knee, and hopefully no more pain! I'm going to have the surgery next week. Marlon, …
Health topics
… who have persistent atrial fibrillation (episodes last more than 7 days). For both types, episodes may go away on … Heart rhythm medicines may increase your risk of getting a more serious heart rate problem. You will need frequent … worried about having a procedure that involves my heart. More important Equally important More important The side …
Health features
… longer days and warmer temperatures. Many of us will spend more time outdoors playing sports, hiking, camping, working … or trigger asthma attacks. Asthma may present with one or more respiratory symptoms. To learn more, see the Understanding Asthma page. Allergy Shots for …
Health features
… Featured topics Abuse of Older Adults (Elder Abuse) Learn more about abuse of older adults, including the different … If you or someone you know is a victim of crime and needs more information or support, call 1-800-563-0808 or click on … where you feel you are being abused or mistreated. For more information about SAIL, visit Seniors First BC. SAIL – …
Health topics
… a deep breath. Hold it for a moment, and then exhale. Feel more relaxed? Breathing exercises are one way to relax. Here … you relax. For example, your muscles may be less tense and more flexible. There are different ways to relax. You may find one or more ways help to calm you down and feel at peace. How can …
Health topics
… on the idea that the mind and body are one. But today, more people practice yoga for overall health, including … The other pose—the reclining bound angle pose—is a little more advanced. All of these yoga poses can help you relax … and movement to help relieve stress and make the spine more flexible. Repeat the sequence 10 to 20 times. Make sure …
Health topics
… its most severe form, depression can lead to suicide. Be more likely to have headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, or trouble sleeping. Get sick more often. For more information about depression, see Depression or …
Health topics
… a birth certificate. Visit the Vital Statistics website for more information about birth certificates and birth … or combined together. You can also give your baby one or more middle names. Medical benefits The B.C. Medical … medical number. Visit the Ministry of Health website for more information about baby enrolment in MSP. Prescription …