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HealthLinkBC files
… opposite effect of warfarin and helps your blood to clot more quickly. Your warfarin dose will be balanced with the … vegetables wilt when cooked, the cooked version can have more vitamin K than the raw version. Talk to your doctor … any changes to your diet. This includes if: You plan to eat more green leafy vegetables (for example, you eat more
Health topics
… get older, your bones naturally lose some strength and are more likely to break, even from a minor fall. Children and young adults are more likely to break a hip because of a bike or car crash or … bones and soft tissues. A CT scan, another way of getting more detailed images. A bone scan, which involves injecting …
Health topics
… in your heart health. To have a heart-healthy diet: Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other high-fibre … to 1,500 mg a day, you can lower your blood pressure even more. Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt. Watch … want to lose weight, increase your activity level to burn more calories than you eat. If you drink alcohol, drink in …
Health topics
… not successful. It may mean, for example, that it is taking more time for your anesthesia to wear off or for fluid in … (IV) line directly after surgery. When you become more alert, your doctor will prescribe pain medicine. You … when and how much pain medicine you get, although this is more common after 24 to 48 hours. This machine (a PCA pump) …
Health topics
… in an area that has large deposits of uranium, you may be more likely to be exposed to high levels of radon. But the … The long-term test kit stays in your home or office for more than 90 days. A long-term test will give more accurate results. Health Canada recommends placing the …
Health topics
… discourage you. If you stop negative thoughts, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle life's challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or cope with stress, anxiety, sleep … involves calming your mind and body. You can use one or more techniques. These may include meditation, yoga, muscle …
… reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before using this medication, tell your doctor … weak or tired. Alcohol or marijuana (cannabis) can make you more tired. Do not drive, use machinery, or do anything that … you are using marijuana (cannabis). Topotecan can make you more likely to get infections or may worsen any current …
… It works by making the treated white blood cells more sensitive to UV light. How To Use See Uses section. … reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before using this medication, tell your doctor … treatment with this medication, your eyes and skin will be more sensitive to the sun, including sunlight through a …
HealthLinkBC files
… can cause disease. The final preparation of RabIg undergoes more testing to ensure that there are no known infectious … or study caves Travellers who will be spending 1 month or more in countries where rabies is common The vaccine is … without first speaking to your health care provider. For more information on Reye syndrome, see HealthLinkBC File #84 …
Health topics
… to be thought of as recurrent, you must have three or more infections within 1 year. And they must cause symptoms. … medicines. If symptoms don't improve after treatment, more testing and treatment may be needed. Related … to be thought of as recurrent, you must have three or more infections within 1 year. And they must cause symptoms. …