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373 results found
Health topics
… cells. Removing and checking the pelvic and aortic lymph nodes , to see if the cancer has spread. Checking the … the incision. Pus draining from the incision. Swollen lymph nodes in your neck, armpits, or groin. A fever. You have … cells. Removing and checking the pelvic and aortic lymph nodes , to see if the cancer has spread. Checking the …
Health topics
… of the colon or rectum where the cancer is. Nearby lymph nodes are taken out and tested for cancer. Then healthy … section being removed are stapled and cut. Nearby lymph nodes, lymph drainage channels, and blood vessels are also … of the colon or rectum where the cancer is. Nearby lymph nodes are taken out and tested for cancer. Then healthy …
Health topics
… under the skin aren't cause for concern. The glands ( lymph nodes ) on either side of the neck, under the jaw, or behind … , rubella , chickenpox , or mumps . AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) . It develops in the late stage of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. This virus attacks the immune …
Health topics
… pharynx ( retropharyngeal abscess ). Infection of the lymph nodes of the neck. A peritonsillar abscess . Toxic shock … pharynx ( retropharyngeal abscess ). Infection of the lymph nodes of the neck. A peritonsillar abscess . Toxic shock …
Health topics
… spots on the tongue ("strawberry tongue"). Swollen lymph nodes in the neck. The rash usually appears one or two days … spots on the tongue ("strawberry tongue"). Swollen lymph nodes in the neck. The rash usually appears one or two days …
Health topics
… out normal blood cells in the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen. CLL is also called chronic lymphoblastic … any symptoms. When it does, they may include swollen lymph nodes; fatigue; a feeling of fullness below the ribs; weight … will do a physical examination and check for swollen lymph nodes or an enlarged spleen or liver. You'll have tests, …
Medical tests
… cause inflammation, such as: Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). Giant cell arteritis (painful swelling of the blood … cause inflammation, such as: Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). Giant cell arteritis (painful swelling of the blood …
Health topics
… happens when the normal pacemaker of the heart (the sinus node) does not work properly. Various irregular heart rates … happens when the normal pacemaker of the heart (the sinus node) does not work properly. Various irregular heart rates …
Health topics
… heart and lungs. Also, the doctor will feel the lymph nodes and the thyroid gland in the neck as well as the … heart and lungs. Also, the doctor will feel the lymph nodes and the thyroid gland in the neck as well as the …
Health topics
… affected area. Drainage of pus from the area. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin. Fever of 38 °C (100.4 … affected area. Drainage of pus from the area. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin. Fever of 38 °C (100.4 …