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Health topics
… breast surgery include: Breast pain or pulling, pinching, tingling, or numbness. Buildup of blood or clear fluid in the wound. … problems include: Swelling of the arm ( lymphedema ). Numbness in the area where lymph nodes were removed. Tell …
Health topics
… of both types of nerve stimulators include: Infection. Numbness or tingling. Pain where the stimulator device is placed under … of both types of nerve stimulators include: Infection. Numbness or tingling. Pain where the stimulator device is …
Health topics
… Your leg or foot being cool or pale or changing colour. Tingling or numbness in your foot. How is it diagnosed? An aneurysm may … or foot being cool or pale or changing colour. Tingling or numbness in your foot. How is it diagnosed? An aneurysm may …
Health topics
… points on the feet, may help relieve skin feelings such as tingling and numbness. The summary showed that several other … feet, may help relieve skin feelings such as tingling and numbness. The summary showed that several other …
Health topics
Health topics
… TIA can cause many different symptoms. They include sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, and loss of movement in a part of your … emergency services right away. Symptoms include: Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or loss of movement in your …
Health topics
… You may suddenly have one or more symptoms, such as: Numbness, tingling ,or weakness. Or you may not be able to move a part … RelatedInformation Symptoms of a stroke may include: Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis in your face, …
Health topics
… recommended for two to three hours. Dizziness and temporary tingling in face or hands. Dulls pain, but doesn’t eliminate …
Health topics
Health topics
… abuse No Injury may have been caused by abuse Is there any numbness or tingling in your face? Yes Facial numbness or tingling No Facial numbness or tingling Does …