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1742 results found
Health topics
… 15 to 25 years 26 to 55 years 26 to 55 years 56 years or older 56 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male Female Female Why do … of care you may need. These include: Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health …
Health topics
… 7 to 11 years 12 to 55 years 12 to 55 years 56 years or older 56 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male Female Female Why do … symptoms of a serious illness? The symptoms in an adult or older child are different than the symptoms in a baby or …
Health topics
… with your wisdom teeth, especially if you're already older than 30. Wisdom teeth that are healthy and come in … happen when a person is 15 to 25 years old. Few people older than 30 have problems with their wisdom teeth that … of your teeth are softer and not fully formed. As you get older, the bones around your teeth grow and get hard. This …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Most babies and older children have several mild infections of the … influenza (flu) are common viral illnesses in babies and older children. These infections are usually mild and go … age 3 may have more symptoms with respiratory problems than older children. And they may become more ill. For this …
Health topics
… A" or "AAA" for short. These bulges are most common in men older than age 65, people with high blood pressure, and … carefully over the years. A study of men ages 65 and older showed that those who have the screening are less … but that's wrong. These aneurysms are most common in men older than age 65, people with high blood pressure, and …
Health topics
… . Babies and toddlers often react differently to pain than older children who can talk about their pain. A baby may be … draw his or her legs up toward the belly, or eat poorly. Older children may be able to point to the area of the pain … 6 months to 11 years 6 months to 11 years 12 years or older 12 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male …
Health topics
… lung and airway topics: Chest X-Ray Coughs, Age 12 and Older Pneumonia Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) … Asthma in Children: Knowing How Bad an Attack Is Asthma in Older Adults: Managing Treatment Asthma in Teenagers and … in Children Coughs, Age 11 and Younger Coughs, Age 12 and Older COVID-19 or Flu? How to Tell COVID-19: Advice if …
Health topics
… It's also called herpes zoster. Shingles is most common in older adults and people who have weak immune systems because … You must have had chickenpox to get shingles. Being older than 50. Having a weakened immune system due to … prevent shingles. It is recommended for adults age 50 and older and for adults 18 and older who have a weakened immune …
Health topics
… Violence can happen to anyone—children, teens, adults, older adults, or people with disabilities. You are not to … are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 years or older 12 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male Female Female Why do …
Health topics
… than others. Many jobs, sports and activities, getting older, or having a disease such as osteoporosis or arthritis … old are you? Less than 5 years Less than 5 years 5 years or older 5 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male Female Female Why do …