3209 results found
… Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using this medication unless your doctor or pharmacist … drugs, and herbal products). Daily use of alcohol while using this medicine may increase your risk for stomach … density, eye exams, height/weight measurements) may be done while you are taking it. Keep all medical and lab …
… this medication are prepared by a health care professional, while other brands may give you instructions for how to … medication may cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of alcohol while using this medicine will increase your risk for … as hematocrit/hemoglobin, red blood cell count) may be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and …
… also be crushed or swallowed whole. If stomach upset occurs while you are taking this medication, you may take it with … or fever), it may harm a nursing infant and breast-feeding while using this drug is not recommended. However, low-dose … function, blood count, salicylate level) may be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and …
… prevent kidney stones from forming, drink plenty of liquids while taking this medication unless your doctor instructs … you should use additional reliable birth control methods while using this medication. Also tell your doctor if you … (such as eye exams, bicarbonate blood level) should be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and …
… similar to electric shock. To prevent these symptoms while you are stopping treatment with this drug, your doctor … mineral imbalance (low level of sodium in the blood) while using this drug, especially if they are taking "water … milnacipran. Do not use medications containing milnacipran while using levomilnacipran. Overdose If someone has …
… doctor, usually every 6 hours. If you have stomach upset while taking this medication, take it with food or milk. … breast milk and may harm a nursing infant. Breast-feeding while using this drug is not recommended. Consult your … use of caffeine-containing medications, foods, or beverages while taking this product. If you take too much caffeine, …
… sure you can perform such activities safely. Limit alcohol while using this medication because it can increase your … a plan with your doctor for managing your blood sugar while pregnant. Your doctor may change your diabetes … fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and …
… sure you can perform such activities safely. Limit alcohol while using this medication because it can increase your … a plan with your doctor for managing your blood sugar while pregnant. Your doctor may change your diabetes … fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and …
… is called a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, while tenofovir is called a nucleotide reverse transcriptase … Because of the possible risk to the infant, breast-feeding while using this drug is not recommended. Also, if you have … should be done before you start taking this medication and while you are taking it. Keep all medical and lab …
… may be at a greater risk for side effects such as dizziness while using this drug. During pregnancy, this medication … (such as blood pressure, kidney function) should be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and … Have your blood pressure and pulse checked regularly while taking this medication. It may be best to learn how to …