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3209 results found
Health topics
… before you mow, and wear a pollen or dust mask while you mow. Avoid bringing pollen back into your home … before you mow, and wear a pollen or dust mask while you mow. Avoid bringing pollen back into your home …
HealthLinkBC files
… and mobility conditions Can you provide for their needs while also caring for yourself and your family Can you …
Medical tests
… across your skin several times. You need to be very still while the test is being done. How long the test takes … across your skin several times. You need to be very still while the test is being done. How long the test takes …
Health topics
… can begin again. No scab Some scrapes heal without a scab. While it heals the scrape may stay moist and pink and ooze … can begin again. No scab Some scrapes heal without a scab. While it heals the scrape may stay moist and pink and ooze …
Health topics
… hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees while standing. Place one foot on a low stool if you must … hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees while standing. Place one foot on a low stool if you must …
Health topics
… Choose books with colourful pictures. Point to the pictures while you read. Read books that are made of cloth or … Choose books with colourful pictures. Point to the pictures while you read. Read books that are made of cloth or …
Health topics
… cancer treatment. Living with a colostomy bag, either for a while or permanently, because of colorectal cancer surgery. … cancer treatment. Living with a colostomy bag, either for a while or permanently, because of colorectal cancer surgery. …
Health topics
… the catheter. You may feel the need to urinate often for a while after the surgery. But this should improve with time. … the catheter. You may feel the need to urinate often for a while after the surgery. But this should improve with time. …
Health topics
… your partner feels. Then trade places. Lie on your stomach while your partner caresses you. Don't have intercourse the … your partner feels. Then trade places. Lie on your stomach while your partner caresses you. Don't have intercourse the …
Health topics
… and: Make decisions that affect the family as a whole. While some decisions can be made only by the parents, it is … and: Make decisions that affect the family as a whole. While some decisions can be made only by the parents, it is …