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3209 results found
Health topics
… doctor if you start to feel symptoms or become light-headed while operating a motor vehicle or other machinery. Travel … doctor if you start to feel symptoms or become light-headed while operating a motor vehicle or other machinery. Travel …
Health topics
… same swing. Help your child learn to stay away from swings while others are using them. Make sure children go … same swing. Help your child learn to stay away from swings while others are using them. Make sure children go …
Health topics
… in stores, take another adult with you to watch your child while you shop, or use a stroller or wagon instead of a … in stores, take another adult with you to watch your child while you shop, or use a stroller or wagon instead of a …
Health topics
… you may hurt your child: Place your child in a safe place while you go into another room, relax, and calm yourself. … you may hurt your child: Place your child in a safe place while you go into another room, relax, and calm yourself. …
Health topics
… up and down the aisle every hour or so. Exercise in place. While you're sitting, raise and lower your toes, keeping … up and down the aisle every hour or so. Exercise in place. While you're sitting, raise and lower your toes, keeping …
Health topics
… health issues, it may be okay to have a drink once in a while. Learning how alcohol affects your body can help you … health issues, it may be okay to have a drink once in a while. Learning how alcohol affects your body can help you …
Health topics
… close to your body. Try putting your baby in a front pack while you're doing chores. Try swaddling. This simply means … close to your body. Try putting your baby in a front pack while you're doing chores. Try swaddling. This simply means …
Health topics
… For example, let your child play independently (while being supervised) and let your child gradually fall … For example, let your child play independently (while being supervised) and let your child gradually fall …
Health topics
… most shocking when it happens to young adults or athletes. While the media often highlight these tragic deaths, sudden … most shocking when it happens to young adults or athletes. While the media often highlight these tragic deaths, sudden …
Health topics
… baby to sleep. Rock your baby, but lay them down to sleep while they're drowsy but still awake. Don't add cereal to … baby to sleep. Rock your baby, but lay them down to sleep while they're drowsy but still awake. Don't add cereal to …