3209 results found
… Do not use any medications containing esomeprazole while using omeprazole. This medication may interfere with … as a magnesium blood test, vitamin B-12 levels) may be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and … Do not use any medications containing esomeprazole while using omeprazole. This medication may interfere with …
… if you should use additional reliable birth control methods while using this medication. Also tell your doctor if you … should be done before you start using this medication and while you are using it. Keep all medical and lab … if you should use additional reliable birth control methods while using this medication. Also tell your doctor if you …
… tiotropium) or LABA drugs (such as formoterol, salmeterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has … function, blood pressure, pulse/heart rate) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … tiotropium) or LABA drugs (such as formoterol, salmeterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has …
… or anticholinergic drugs (such as ipratropium, tiotropium) while using this medication. Overdose This medication will … function, blood pressure, pulse/heart rate) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … or anticholinergic drugs (such as ipratropium, tiotropium) while using this medication. Overdose This medication will …
… easy bruising/bleeding Changes in body fat may occur while you are taking this medication (such as increased fat … should be done before you start taking this medication and while you are taking it. Keep all medical and lab … easy bruising/bleeding Changes in body fat may occur while you are taking this medication (such as increased fat …
… Do not use any medications containing omeprazole while using esomeprazole. This medication may interfere with … as a magnesium blood test, vitamin B-12 levels) may be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and … Do not use any medications containing omeprazole while using esomeprazole. This medication may interfere with …
… medication may cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of alcohol while using this medicine may increase your risk for stomach … hematocrit/hemoglobin, red blood cell count) may be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and … medication may cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of alcohol while using this medicine may increase your risk for stomach …
… Do not use medications containing levalbuterol while using albuterol. Overdose If someone has overdosed and … tests (such as blood pressure, heart rate, EKG) may be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … Do not use medications containing levalbuterol while using albuterol. Overdose If someone has overdosed and …
… not use other LABA drugs (such as arformoterol, salmeterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has … as blood pressure, pulse, lung function) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … not use other LABA drugs (such as arformoterol, salmeterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has …
… tiotropium) or LABA drugs (such as salmeterol, vilanterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has … tests, blood pressure, pulse/heart rate) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … tiotropium) or LABA drugs (such as salmeterol, vilanterol) while using this medication. Overdose If someone has …