3207 results found
Health topics
… the teen years are a time to get to know their teenager. While teens are maturing, they still need a parent's love … events and urge your teen to bring friends to your house while you are home. You can better see the world from your … the teen years are a time to get to know their teenager. While teens are maturing, they still need a parent's love …
Health topics
… usually a good idea to keep doing your regular activities while your back is healing. Avoid heavy lifting and … the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get … the person's head and neck supported and in a straight line while you move him or her to a safe place. Do not remove the …
Health topics
… of the back of the heel and ankle. Pain usually gets worse while you are wearing shoes and during activity. Pain … the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get … heart to help reduce swelling. Prop up the area on pillows while you apply ice and anytime you sit or lie down. Avoid …
Health topics
… the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get … heart to help reduce swelling. Prop up the area on pillows while you apply ice and anytime you sit or lie down. Don't … heart to help reduce swelling. Prop up the area on pillows while you apply ice and anytime you sit or lie down. …
Health topics
… sleep. Your body recovers from the stresses of the day while you are sleeping. If your worries keep you from … to record what you are worried about—to help you let it go while you sleep. For example, if you are worried you might … she took a lunch break at work or took a class at the gym. While she's lying awake at night, she is worrying about …
… ultrasound, hormone levels, liver tests) may be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … ultrasound, hormone levels, liver tests) may be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and …
… Because of the possible risk to the infant, breast-feeding while using this drug is not recommended. Consult your … Because of the possible risk to the infant, breast-feeding while using this drug is not recommended. Consult your …
… other surface. It is best to avoid wearing contact lenses while using this medication. This medication is used in the … other surface. It is best to avoid wearing contact lenses while using this medication. This medication is used in the …
… and levocetirizine. Do not use these medications while using cetirizine. This medication may interfere with … and levocetirizine. Do not use these medications while using cetirizine. This medication may interfere with …
… as estradiol levels, vaginal ultrasound) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and … as estradiol levels, vaginal ultrasound) should be done while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and …