2305 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… people may develop mild symptoms. Pregnant women, newborns, older adults and those with weakened immune systems are at … risk, how can you protect yourself? If you are pregnant, an older adult, or have a weakened immune system you should …
Health topics
… Caregiving: Overview of Personal Care Dental Care for Older Adults Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) Healthy Eating and Older Adults Stroke Recovery: Coping With Eating Problems …
Health topics
… can cause problems for pregnant women, newborns, teens and adults, and people who have immune system problems that make … cause shingles (herpes zoster), usually when you are an older adult. About 1 in 5 people who have chickenpox will … Call for an appointment with your doctor if: You are older than age 12, you aren't sure if you have ever had …
Health topics
… surface area into percentages. Estimating burn size in adults See a picture of the "rule of nines" for adults . The front and back of the head and neck equal 9% of … surface area into percentages. Estimating burn size in adults See a picture of the "rule of nines" for adults . The …
Health topics
… health: Urine Test Urinary Tract Infections in Teens and Adults Urinary Tract Infections in Children Stress … Pain, Age 11 and Younger Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older Absorbent Products for Urinary Incontinence Active … 11 and Younger Urinary Problems and Injuries, Age 12 and Older Urinary Problems and Prostate Cancer Urinary Problems …
HealthLinkBC files
… it may cause a child to appear distracted or withdrawn. In older children, parents are often the first to notice if … test can be done as your baby is asleep naturally, or for older children with a mild sedation Visual Reinforcement … they hear a sound Tests for children 5 years of age and older Pure Tone Audiometry Your child responds to sounds by …
Health topics
… increase your risk for back pain and injury include getting older, having a family history of back pain, sitting too … see a doctor for low back pain. Most back problems occur in adults ages 20 to 50. But back problems in children younger than 20 and adults older than 50 are more likely to have a serious cause. …
Health topics
… plate) of long bones. It needs to be checked by a doctor. Older adults have a higher risk for injuries and fractures. That's … old are you? Less than 5 years Less than 5 years 5 years or older 5 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male …
Health topics
… better without any problems. But it can be more serious in older adults and children and in people who have other health … getting better. More testing also may be needed for babies, older adults, and people who have lung disease (such as …
Health topics
… It can also come from children themselves. Just like adults, children may expect too much of themselves and then … play, and individual and group sports. Write or draw. Older children often find it helpful to write about the … work that helps others can be a great stress reliever for older children. Learn ways to relax. This can include …